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Our fight is not left vs right or Red vs Blue, but free individuals uniting against Globalist control. \\\

Sep 16, 2020, 10 tweets

📱Twitter & Canada's Military⚔

1) The Canadian Military is being used to create propaganda and censor users on social media in regards to Covid-19. But that's not all...

2) The Star reported on this in 2016 saying that Canada's Military plans on monitoring the social media activity of the entire world.…

3) Interesting, too, is that the Chair of the Board of Directors for the Trudeau Foundation is the new Chair of the Board of Directors for Twitter.

4) Business Insider reported in 2017 that Pichette had joined the Board of Directors at Twitter.

5) The 'Media Response Unit' of the Canadian Military has a 'Precision Information Team' (PiT) which has been collecting data from social media platforms to be used by the military and Ontario government.

6) It appears as though PiT has been used to collect data on what Canadians are searching for when it comes to the fires in Canada, the US, Brazil, and Australia. We know that many of those fires, much like the ones we see today, were caused by arson as well.

7) It seems as though there are several people within the government who want to expand the surveillance of social media accounts for a growing range of activities. Why would our Defence Minister not be aware of this? And who is?

8) Also interesting is that the UN Peacebuilding Commission is Chaired by Trudeau and that their departments hire people whose job description includes "the daily monitoring of social media accounts."

9) This just further proves how committed our government is to the Globalist plan for a Technocratic surveillance state via the Sustainable Development Goals. Everything the government does advances these Goals.

10) The moment I posted this thread, I came across a new article that talks about how Chrystia Freeland and Jon Vance were getting free services from the President of Palantir Canada, which deals in data mining and compilation. He was also Canada's US Ambassador at the time.

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