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An aristocracy of vibes

Sep 17, 2020, 7 tweets

Under the guise of fighting monopoly, FDR created vast new monopolies:

FDR's new cartels (which ossified commerce in the middle of a depression) were explicitly modeled after Mussolini:

A curiosity of American politics is that we discuss various ultra-Leftist economic policies as if they've never been tried

But they have been tried: in Puerto Rico, which has labor and energy policies that make California look like Texas. And PR is essentially a failed economy.

I figured Tugwell for a Keynesian. I had no idea he was essentially a Marxist:

I wouldn't have believed that FDR tried to reduce hunger by destroying crops, except that it's 2020 and I just watched my government push hospitals into bankruptcy to fight a pandemic

The Cancel Wing of the modern Progressive movement is awfully silent on the original Progressive movement's love of eugenics

People joke about politicians trying to revoke the law of supply and demand. But it really happened:

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