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An aristocracy of vibes
EricStoner Profile picture otaria123 Profile picture NotUnderdog⭐️⭐️⭐️PatriotUSA -parler Profile picture Patrice Daniel⭐⭐⭐ Profile picture Tao Xu Profile picture 22 subscribed
Jun 27 4 tweets 2 min read
Israel "waiting for the green light from the Americans" before the 1967 war..."combing word by word through a column in Newsweek'
Apparently Israel was content not to broadcast the fact that it had destroyed Egypt's air force, because it thought the UN would not intervene as long as Israel was believed to be losing Image
May 18 6 tweets 3 min read
England's eugenic rise began as early as the 1300s
Image The Medieval English were already individualistic Image
May 17 8 tweets 3 min read
The 1976 Soweto student uprising is mythologized as an early noble skirmish in the fight against Apartheid. But the commencing act of violence was a student stabbing a female teacher with a screwdriver because he didn't want to learn Afrikaans. Image Much stoning of police and police vehicles. Much revolutionary not doing of homework. Image
May 5 12 tweets 4 min read
Belloc argued that where you have training and social cohesion, infantry beats cavalry. But when you lose cohesion, better to have cavalry. Image A Quora poster had a good line: "Pikes didn't make the Swiss famous; the Swiss made pikes famous"
Apr 30 8 tweets 3 min read
Was the French Revolution a race war, a slaughter of Nordics by Alpines?
Madison Grant thought that stereoscopic vision evolved to allow accurate brachiation. Similar to @MarkChangizi's theory that it evolved to see through leaf clutter Image
Mar 15 19 tweets 7 min read
Cannibalism in Haiti in the 1880s
Image Haitians disinterring and eating babies
Mar 5 14 tweets 5 min read
Females outnumbering males three to one in a Congo village. Plausible? Image Inordinate attention to hair Image
Feb 29 15 tweets 4 min read
Eeben Barlow recruited an informant by having her fortune teller foresee that she'd be in a fender bender, that her lucky number was 777, & that a stranger would solve her money problems

Barlow's team then rear ended her car & arranged for her to meet Barlow in a hotel room #777 Image @EebenB is on Twitter. Maybe you consider his services for your next geopolitical transaction.
Feb 23 10 tweets 3 min read
Amazon's main page now invites you to shop by race Image @Steve_Sailer won't be surprised to hear that Amazon's "Black" emporium is a lot of product for skin and hair Image
Feb 18 32 tweets 12 min read
"The proof of it is that the people flocked to the feudal structure as soon as it was completed" Image A line for @GregoryClarkUCD

"After 800 years, in spite of so many swings of the royal axe, and the immense change in the culture of society, the old feudal root lasts and still vegetates" Image
Feb 8 12 tweets 4 min read
Durant, in 1931, with something close to the Pendell/Rushton theory of cold winters

"Change within to meet the change outside" Image Durant noticed incipient gynocracy in the 30s Image
Feb 2 4 tweets 1 min read
One of the many reasons I chuckle at the JQers is that one of my neighbors is Soros without the hedge fund; old Jewish guy who *founded* an entire Warren Court era field of criminal justice reform, runs institute that pushes for the "anarcho tyranny" that JQers rightly abhor... In some cosmic accounting, this guy is probably responsible for tens of thousands of criminals being released to the streets. But there is no conspiracy. Just a smart guy on a misguided mission, the way other professors might agitate for wind power or higher min wage
Jan 30 14 tweets 4 min read
"Equatorial Guinea would be a mess if Lynn were right" "They wouldn't be able to maintain anything"
Jan 26 4 tweets 2 min read
No word for "gratitude" in Swahili, no word for "honesty" in Mpongwe? Image
Jan 22 17 tweets 4 min read
If you spend enough time around poor people, you stop thinking of this Dril tweet as satire & realize that it's pretty accurate. "Candles" is just a stand-in for a suite of astoundingly profligate behaviors. Couple of times in life I've found myself holding the *actual* budget of a poor person (compiled more or less under duress, following a family intervention), & each time it's basically been the Dril tweet. Like the rank orders of the categories don't even make sense.
Jan 3 10 tweets 4 min read

Welcome to the 18th parallel, a conveyor belt of flavor that links such pinnacles of piquancy as India, Thailand, Mexico, and...La Isla del Encanto!

LET'S TALK HEAT! Image 2\ If you're a gringo, you need to check your assumptions like lost luggage. Forget household names like "jalapeno", "serrano", "habanero", and "ghost pepper".

What do you think this is, Arkansas? You need to know how to get down with LOCAL flavor. Image
Dec 30, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Funny how much of third world dysfunction is inexplicable by any theory of "development"; go to major museum, hours are different from what's on website, this fact is met with placid indifference by all employed there. Not an issue of "funding" or "skills" O-ring Theory doesn't grab you if you're the sort of person to think about O-ring Theory, because you've spent your life among the competent. But imagine a place where, say, staffing a small business is a daily Apollo Program
Dec 9, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Homeless couple just put up a tent on our block, 40 feet away from apartments that rent for $20,000/mo. Cops refuse to do anything, so I waited until they left to panhandle and threw all their belongings away. Amusingly, it was a homeless encampment springing up nearby that put the first asterisk on my mom's otherwise solid NYT/NPR bona fides

Nov 10, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
Perhaps part of the reason that western charity bears so little fruit abroad is that its recipients experience it not as charity but as foolishness deserving of exploitation

h/t @kunley_drukpa Image Townsend in China, Grogan among the Bantu, Lhote among the Tuareg--all remarking on the absence of gratitude

Oct 4, 2023 31 tweets 10 min read
Do we believe that there is an island of rats who have learned to fish for crabs? Image Kite fishing Image
Sep 28, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Before the transsexual movement was infiltrated by transvestites, Jan Morris (herself a pioneering transsexual) was able to notice that autogynephiliacs were just chasing a kink

Today this observation is taboo

@Steve_Sailer Image Funny, I've recently been wondering about the female sensorium...what does it feel like at a sort of gestalt level to occupy a world created and maintained by, essentially, aliens? Well, Jan Morris has a passage about just that: Image