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Sep 17, 2020, 8 tweets

Is Abraham Brahma? Or Is Brahma Abraham?
(A Thread)

Have you ever noticed that Abraham and his wife Sarah of the monotheistic Judeo-Christian and Moslem religions are nearly identical in name to Brahma and his wife Saraswati of the Hindu religion?

The similarities between the names of Abraham and Brahma have not gone unnoticed. Abraham is said to be the father of the Jews, and Brahma, as the first created being, is often seen as the father of mankind.

We might also note that the name of Sarasvati seems to resonate with that of Abraham’s wife, Sarah (each one’s identity as a wife and/or sister). Also, in India, the Sarasvati River includes a tributary known as the Ghaggar.

According to Jewish tradition, Hagar was Sarah’s maidservant. The Hebrews began their sojourn through history as a ‘kingdom of priests’ (Exodus 19:6). Likewise, Brahmins are also a community of priests.

Abraham/Sarah and Brahma/Saraswati are not the only overlapping figures between Hindu and Hebrew traditions. There is also Adam/Eve and Adhama/ Havyavati, along with Noah and Nyuha or Manu.

The Hebrew religion is one among a group of traditions (including Islam and Christianity) that believe that Abraham is their father. As well, since Brahma has will-born sons, Brahmanaspati (Lord of the Brahman Priests) and Brihaspati (Lord of the Burden Carriers).

The good qualities exemplified in Abraham are immortally deified in Brahma, while Brahma’s wish born sons live out these qualities on earth, much like Abraham. These qualities of Brahmanaspati/Brihaspati, the sons of Angiras, reflect remarkably with those of Abraham.

The Most important thing to note is: The concept of Brahma or Brahman is much older then the "borrowed" Hebrew concept of A-Braham, Abraham.

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