the officer down memorial page lists dogs that died in the line of duty, let's pay our respe-
Poor Bandit, killed while attempting to apprehend a murder suspec- wait. He was accidentally shot by the cops while they were trying to shoot the suspect.
And then the cops shot the guy's dog as well for good measure
OK the police CAN NOT stop killing their dogs
Will was shot and killed by a cop while he was trying to shoot another dog.
It just keeps happening
Lots of cases of dogs biting their handlers or other cops and being summarily executed on the spot
This one implies Credo was killed while trying to stop a shooter, even listing the 'offender' as shot and killed, as if he did it.
In the description it turns out the cops shot the dog accidentally while trying to shoot the guy
the officer down memorial project is probably one of the largest and most well-maintained lists of people and animals the police have killed by accident and got away with
I'm starting to think 'was shot accidentally while being attacked by pit bulls' is some kind of code
Carsen was killed by a cop IN A CHURCH
Striker's handler's gun 'was accidentally discharged', what does that even mean, the guy's finger slipped while he was aiming his weapon at his dog?
There's a lot of examples of police dogs getting released to try to apprehend a suspect without having to shot and kill them, then being shot while apprehending them, because the cops really wanted to kill the guy anyway
Lots get killed because they attacked an officer, which is probably because the dogs are trained to apprehend criminals.
That would be a joke but seriously in many cases the dogs are trained for longer than the training human police officers receive before being given a gun
The ODMP wants you to mass-email parole boards demanding no parole for cop-killers, which is a strange thing to read when a significant percentage of the officers and dogs listed on their website were killed by accident by cops who've been trained to shoot first.
If pot becomes legal, the cops will kill hundreds of their K9s instead of retraining or retiring them
Police shot a man, and one of their own dogs in the process, hospitalising both, then started a gofundme for the k9 they shot…
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