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undisciplined scholar, recovering academic | @AEI | @DNVA1 | @UCL | @CUBoulder | The Honest Broker ➡️

Sep 17, 2020, 11 tweets

College football players as study subjects

Don’t these researchers need IRB approval for such human subjects research?

Deeply troubling behavior by universities who should know better

These are not observational studies
These are studies of situations that the research institution has created
They are human subject experiments

B10 clearly sees football players as lab rats
“... an opportunity in a global pandemic to be able to help solve some of these medical issues, especially from a cardiac-registry standpoint & be leaders from a research standpoint, that was really important"…

The B10 needs to get IRB approval from every participating institution ... this won't happen (as a practical matter, even if underway) unlikely before full practices begin

Universities are openly & obviously engaged in research misconduct…

From The Belmont Report (on ethical medical research):

"Certain groups, such as racial minorities... should be protected against the danger of being involved in research solely for administrative convenience, or because they are easy to manipulate..."…

As an example, University of Michigan guidance for human subjects research…

Now that the Big10 commissioner has explicitly identified football player as research subjects in a research registry, university IRBs are in a position to halt football

From the U Michigan policies for ethical research…

How to file an allegation of IRB non-compliance, at for example University of Michigan (not to pick on them, every campus is similar)

In case there is any question whether Big 10 universities are using football players as research subjects…

The Big 10 "Medical" Subcommittee of its Return to Competition Task Force includes 4 athletic directors

I sent below request to chair of Big 10 Task Force for Emerging Infectious Diseases requesting the IRB approvals

Yes, I'm doing this in public

Yes, if you are on a Big 10 campus you should request the IRB approvals for this research from your office of human subjects research

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