XVIII Airborne Corps & Fort Bragg Profile picture
We are America’s Contingency Corps!

Sep 18, 2020, 9 tweets

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Ok, so let’s end the day with a recap of D Day of Market. Sep 17, 1944 #MarketGarden76 #OTD #MilitaryHistory

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9:30 AM - Allied B-17s of the Eighth Air Force begin to make runs on their respective targets, knocking out anti-aircraft guns deep into Holland. Unfortunately, the bombers also caused some collateral damage, hitting houses, a power plant near the Waal river.

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The bombing runs were complete by 11:30 after the Eight Air Force dropped a stunning 2,917 tons of bombs.

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Also that morning, Paratroopers from the 82nd and 10st Airborne boarded C-47 troop transport planes in airfields in England. The enormous armada then flew over the English Channel.

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The 1st Airborne paratroopers also boarded troop transport planes in England that morning. Unlike their American counterparts, the Brits were treated to tea and sandwiches before they boarded.

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By 1250 PM, the @82nABNDiv paratroopers were all on the ground. As you can see, these drops were largely accurate. Even the troops that drooped outside DZ T and DZ O landed together.

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Here you see LZ O where ALL of the 82nd Airborne gliders landed the Landing Zone.

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Meanwhile, here were the @101stAASLTDIV insertions. Again, incredibly accurate.


Here is the final set by the end of D Day. Again, the official SHAEF After Action Review map, courtesy of the Center for Military History.

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