Stephen V Liu, MD Profile picture
Director of Thoracic Oncology & Developmental Therapeutics @Georgetown @LombardiCancer; Co-Host @IASLC Podcast; Chair #TexasLung25 #DCLung25; #HereWeGo

Sep 18, 2020, 6 tweets

#ESMO20 Update on TAK-788 (mobocertinib) from @RielyMD. This was a dose escalation phase I/II study establishing the dose of 160mg qday. This update is focused on patients with previously treated #EGFR exon 20 insertions #NSCLC #LCSM #OncoAlert

#ESMO20 There were 28 patients in the TAK-788/mobocertinib #EGFR cohort, fairly heavily pretreated with 54% of patients having received 3+ prior regimens. Note the rate of prior immunotherapy was 61% (compared to 24% across the entire study). #LCSM #OncoAlert

#ESMO20 Safety data with mobocertinib show 82% of patients with diarrhea, 32% of patients with grade 3+ diarrhea. Curious as to whether prior immunotherapy correlated with severity of toxicity as we know that sequence is concerning in sensitizing #EGFR NSCLC. #OncoAlert #LCSM

#ESMO20 Mobocertinib in #EGFR exon 20 insertion #NSCLC (at 160mg, previously treated) has a respectable RR of 43% (n=12/28) with an impressive duration of response of 13.9 months. #OncoAlert #LCSM

#ESMO20 Waterfall and swimmers' plots illustrate the activity of TAK-788/mobocertinib in #EGFR NSCLC. Impressed by the duration of responses here with many still ongoing. #LCSM #OncoAlert

#ESMO20 TAK-788 with clear activity in #EGFR NSCLC with a RR of 43% and DOR 13.9m. Would have immediate role as salvage therapy - but enough to justify 1L? Await data from that population. 32% G3 diarrhea is notable as is 82% all grade (worth reporting G2 separately) #OncoAlert

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