XVIII Airborne Corps & Fort Bragg Profile picture
We are America’s Contingency Corps!

Sep 18, 2020, 15 tweets

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D + 1

Monday, 18 September 1944


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Morning: The 506th PIR moves out to Eindhoven. The advance is slow due to German counterattacks & 88mm guns [pic: German-speaking Tech-5 Joseph Liebgott, Jr., Easy Company translator, #OTD in ’44 in Eindhoven. He's played by Ross McCall in Band of Brothers]

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The 506th destroys two 88mm guns and captured some German soldiers (including these four) as they continue toward their objectives.

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Four of the bridges over the Dommel River are taken without much trouble. To secure them for use by the ground forces, who would hopefully arrive soon, a defensive perimeter is established.

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The @101stAASLTDIV was tasked with securing the bridge at Son, but this bridge had been blown by German forces before the 101st could save it...really bad news for the XXX Corps.

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Speaking of the XXX Corps: delayed significantly by ambushes and engagements, it advances another 6 miles on the day, reaching Eindhoven. XXX Corps covers the distance in 48 hours it was supposed to cover in 24 hours.

[here's an American newspaper headline #OTD]

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Meanwhile, still fighting in Nijmegen, several elements of the 82nd Airborne headed west, capturing the bridge over the Maas-Waal Canal.

[here's an American newspaper headline #OTD]

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A second wave of Airborne units jumps into Drop Zones N and T. [See caption on outline of enhanced image courtesy of @erikhistorian, Center for Mil History. The guy in that pic is 3 months away from his famous "Nuts" moment]

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Germans counterattacks both DZs. The entire 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment was ordered to defend Drop Zone N and did so successfully. [pic: 1st Airlanding Reconnaissance Squadron in position behind a tree covering a road near Wolfhez]

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The 508th is recalled to Nijmegen to retake DZ T, which had been seized by ~ 500 Germans in the counterattacks. The 508th retakes DZ T by about 2pm.

[this is perhaps the most famous image of OMG. Caption on image outline]

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After the second wave of paratroopers lands, US bombers dropped supplies over the Drop Zones at Overasselt and Groesbeek. Our boys are about to collect ~ 80% of the supplies.

[pic: British 1st Airborne Division]

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Night of D+1: Engineers begin to work through the night, constructing a Bailey Bridge to accommodate the tanks traveling with XXX Corps. XXX Corps, by the way, is now more than 24 hours behind schedule.

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Map: Sep 18th glider landings by @82ndABNDiv [released to the earth by the 50th and 52nd Troop Carrier Wings]

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Map: Sep 18th glider landings by @101stAASLTDIV [released to the earth by the 50th and 53rd Troop Carrier Wings]

FINAL: Here is the D+1 operational graphic presented as part of the official Allied After Action Report.

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