Warren Redlich - Chasing Dreams Profile picture
Dad, tech enthusiast & libertarian Florida Man retraining my wandering Jew nomad neural nets on the Thai and Asia datasets

Sep 18, 2020, 19 tweets

Watching @CNN town hall with @JoeBiden (dvr).

Woman asking about Covid deaths wearing ineffective mask and it doesn’t cover her nose.


Social studies teacher believes we need the president to tell us how to live our lives. /2

Good question from @andersoncooper about trump gathering vs BLM protests and Covid safety.

Biden answers with total nonsense.



Nurse asks Biden how he’d get America back to work. He rambles for a couple minutes. Nothing close to answering the question. /4

Biden says campaign is between Scranton and Park Avenue as if NYC is voting for trump.

Trump won Pennsylvania and lost NY in 2016.


The irony

“What is your plan to make health care affordable?”


Free Health care for everyone?

The fraud of masks and social distancing revealed as they go to commercial

Blatant lie - says he won’t question legitimacy of election. See next tweet.

Question about police - talks about accountability. Doesn’t mention qualified immunity.

Holy shit!

Biden equates growing up white in Scranton and not having an Ivy League degree to not having white privilege

Biden brags about Obama ending crack-powder disparity.

Biden voted for the disparity in 1986.

Biden ignores First Step Act

I should note that Biden has effectively rebutted the dementia theory.

No way he could do this well with dementia.

Biden’s response to the farmer was confusing and troubling

Does land banks mean government paying farmers to NOT farm their land?

Can anyone explain what he meant about land banks?

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