Benjamin Strick Profile picture
Investigations Director @Cen4infoRes. Past BBC & @Bellingcat. Tutorials: OSINT/GEOINT.

Sep 18, 2020, 10 tweets

Over the past week there has been an increase in pro-Indonesian fake accounts writing in Dutch to influence debate over West Papuan independence.

The tweets primarily use the #FreeWestPapua tag. This thread is to show an example of the low-impact accounts 👇

CC @TwitterSafety

Enter #1 @scewenzy. Profile picture is stolen from an LA-based model. Account tweets in Dutch and English with a variety of tags including #freewestpapua. Some of the following accounts were found through this account's retweets & likes.

Let's take a look at #2 - @CleamentsJeans. This time they even used a similar name to the model they stole the image from (same as the fake account above). Tweets in Dutch and English.

Another one #3 @Pamela70002 is stealing images from Instagram as well. Also tweeting in English and Dutch.

#4 is @Lucas_Br1an - image stolen from a cool blogger with a van and a cat. Account writes in Dutch, English and Indonesian.

#5 is @LeanyCasimero - image stolen from model Nisa Beiby photoshoot. Again, tweets in Dutch and English, mainly around the special autonomy issue.

#6 is @AmyGrey21 - who tweets in Dutch about both British Govt support for sovereignty and about human rights lawyer @VeronicaKoman. Profile image stolen from Guardian News article.

Next up at #7 is Superman! @AaronEvan__ with image of Henry Cavill. Again tweeting in Dutch.

In at #8 is @MarshaBauman - image stolen from a model's account. Again more sentiment towards @VeronicaKoman in this one. And again, tweeting in Dutch.

Love the support after I did this West Papua influence thread from @Brox61971773 - let’s share a tea next time you’re around ☕️

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