Dr Amit Pawa💉🎙️ Profile picture
Consultant Anaesthetist, Podcaster & Clinical Professor #RegionalAnaesthesia @BlockIt_Hot_Pod #BILIH COI:GE Healthcare. Research Gate https://t.co/6a1YlyIYs9

Sep 19, 2020, 11 tweets

This is where I am headed to next for #ECONGRESS2020 #ESRAASRA2020- be good to hear @docmorne talking about ERAS for Knee Arthroplasty & Ambulatory Surgery fron Seb Bloc and Laurent Delaunay

Great group of speakers to start this session!

What do Patients want after surgery?


Opioid use post surgery however is a real issue



So what IS ERAS?
It is not just a pathway or use of MultiModal Analgesia.
Can’t roll out the same recipe for all pts or procedures!

It is ...


There is a constant audit circle ⭕️

Patient education alone can have a major effect - especially in patients already on opioids pre-op


Knee innervation is complex!

@DrPhilipPeng beautiful diagram here rapm.bmj.com/content/44/2/2…


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