Dr Amit Pawa💉🎙️ Profile picture
Consultant Anaesthetist, Podcaster & Clinical Professor #RegionalAnaesthesia @BlockIt_Hot_Pod #BILIH COI:GE Healthcare. Research Gate https://t.co/6a1YlyIYs9

Sep 19, 2020, 8 tweets

Finishing my #ECONGRESS2020 #ESRAASRA2020 attendance “in the hands” of my dear friend @DrEAlbrecht

A really interesting session on innovations in #RegionalAnaesthesia

And here they are!

@DrEAlbrecht ‘s accent has become more British though!


First we are going to hear about Onvision from @BBraunUK .

Initially was a skeptic, but after an intial trial with it, I have had my eyes opened!

Special coated needle talks to the machine to determine the needle tip position...

V clever #ECONGRESS2020 #ESRAASRA2020

Pretty clever. When the tip is there, you see a green circle 🟢 @BBraunUK @Philips #ECONGRESS2020 #ESRAASRA2020

So the question is, what role does this technology have in clinical practice?
As a training tool for novices?
For in-plane/Out of plane?
What are the potential advantages or disadvantages of this technology?

Really interesting use here when performing a ultrasound guided lumbar plexus block .

I think this is an excellent potential use where needletip visualisation would be essential!


And here for subgluteal sciatic #ECONGRESS2020 #ESRAASRA2020 @BBraunUK

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