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I shall now therefore humbly propose my own thoughts, which I hope will not be liable to the least objection.

Sep 19, 2020, 8 tweets

Definitive evidence for the bored markets hypothesis:

“It’s better than the stock market,” Mr. Garcia said. “I got a bunch of these plants when they were in the double digits, and now they are in the four-digit realm.”…

Sounds vaguely familiar:

“Flora with sought-after features, such as splashes of color and holes in their leaves, are often the result of genetic mutations...

The ghostly white streaks of the Variegated Monstera Albo can send prices up to $250 per leaf.”

Ah yes:

“Longtime plant lovers say the craze for rare plants is reminiscent of a housing bubble, or the tulip mania that gripped the Netherlands during the 1600s, when bulb prices hit stratospheric heights before crashing.”

“Botany bandits are interested, too. Mr. Garcia, began noticing valuable plants were disappearing from his rented greenhouse. He set up motion-activated cameras to figure out what was happening. Those gadgets began vanishing as well. Mr. Garcia almost did a stakeout in a hammock”

You, a stock market genius: looking for 10x in 10 years

Nick Watchorn and Lani Dy: buy some plants “Now we can get 10 times what we paid”

“Does your Chanel handbag grow another Chanel handbag in a month?” said Lily Liu


Kaboo Bill, a wedding photographer in Sacramento, said she got the idea for flipping plants after she started buying some for herself while sheltering in place

Part of the lure of flipping, she said, is the thrill of gambling on living things that can die before being sold off

A-Hed absolutely coming with the thunder 👏👏👏

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