Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭 Profile picture
Chicago Sports Fan... Nephrologist by day. My tweets are not medical advice. The views expressed here are my own and not those of my employer.

Sep 19, 2020, 6 tweets

Who uses video conferencing? #HealthXPH 🇵🇭
👉🏼 addinfographic.com/video-conferen…

The rise of video conferencing #HealthXPH🇵🇭
👉🏼 google.com/amp/s/technica…

Do’s and Dont’s of videoconferencing
👉🏼 phnxaudio.com/blog/dos-and-d…

Video conference etiquette
👉🏼 ddletb.ie/video-conferen…

The Do’s and Don’ts of Online Video Meetings #HealthXPH🇵🇭

Video killed the web conferencing star #HealthXPH🇵🇭
👉🏼 itechzines.com/video-killed-t…

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