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Kenya Association of Manufacturers is the representative organization for manufacturing value-add industries in Kenya

Sep 19, 2020, 5 tweets

What an amazing day it was!
#KAMSectors #TrashRightRecycle

KAM in partnership with Kiambu County and Takataka ni mali held a Clean Up Activity in Kamenu Sub county (phase 4 and 9) #KAMSectors #TrashRightRecycleRight

As KAM, we remain committed to ensuring that we protect the environment through championing for policies that promote waste management particularly sorting, collection and recycling. #TrashRightRecycle #KAMSectors

In addition to this, KAM Kiambu County and Taka ni Mali planted trees at the Makongeni Dispensary. #KAMSectors #TrashRightRecycleRight

As we celebrate World Clean Up day, we were glad to have partnered with Plogging Kenya to support the National Clean Up in partnership with NEMA. KAM donated brooms spades gloves reusable mama reflectors trash bags and 15 L hand sanitizer. #TrashRightRecycleRight #KAMSectors

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