N0rth0ftheW4ll 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Profile picture
Its always darkest before the sunrise....

Sep 19, 2020, 9 tweets

Everyone but the DSA, far-right & Russian trolls knew RBG ALWAYS wanted to be a SC during the 1st woman president & would have likely retired then. Of course almost no one predicted what would happen next. This is purposeful divisive sh$t meant 2 cause anger and chaos. #infoOps

We are collecting the tweets for analysis so I can't say for sure where this divisive line of attack started ... but its clear there are alot of fake accounts, trolls and sh$tposters pushing the "should have retired" or "by not retiring" content. Don't get sucked in. #infoOps

Lots of accounts like this one. 2 yrs old but just started tweeting this month and half its tweets are about RBG and how she should have retired. Not clue if this is a real person, paid troll or what but this is certainly odd behavior for an account. #infoOps

And of course the accounts that like Brock's tweet are equally odd. #infoOps

Hoaxy results from the trending Twitter conversations that took off after the news of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death. Many tweets were meant 2b divisive, revolved around the idea that RBG should have retired sooner, & showed higher than normal cyborg / inauthentic activity #RGBRIP

This was a particularly interesting and very early tweet and shows up as a major node around the conversation search we did --> "by not retiring" referencing of course Ruth Bader Ginsburg. #infoOps #RGBRIP #RGBRevolution

As a reminder, we have noted in the past that a level of 4% contribution of accounts ranked in the red and orange categories (cyborg / putative inauthentic) seems to be a relatively normal thresh-hold. Thus levels of 14.5% and 16% respectively appear higher than normal.

We have thousands of tweets collected from these twitter conversations are a still analyzing them. Between collecting the raw data and starting to analyze the data a day later ... Twitter has suspended 6 accounts in our set. No idea why or for what. But always interesting to look

Here are the 6 accounts that must have been suspended yesterday. Let us know if u find anything else of interest. We pulled up the most recent profile pages for 4 of the 6 #infoOps #osint #infosec

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