Stephen V Liu, MD Profile picture
Director of Thoracic Oncology & Developmental Therapeutics @Georgetown @LombardiCancer; Co-Host @IASLC Podcast; Chair #TexasLung25 #DCLung25; #HereWeGo

Sep 19, 2020, 8 tweets

#ESMO20 Key update on #ADAURA regarding CNS disease recurrence with adjuvant osimertinib vs placebo after resected stage IB-III #EGFR mutant NSCLC. #LCSM @OncoAlert @myESMO

#ESMO20 We saw at #ASCO20 the positive results from #ADAURA where adjuvant osimertinib significantly improved DFS in resected stage II/III NSCLC (DFS HR 0.17). Pre-specified analysis CNS recurrence given tropism of the disease and CNS efficacy of osimertinib. #LCSM

#ESMO20 Patients receiving osimertinib were less likely to recur overall but when there was recurrence, it was less likely to be distant. #LCSM @OncoAlert

#ESMO20 CNS recurrence much less likely with adjuvant osimertinib. Note that 10% of patients with resected #EGFR NSCLC have CNS recurrence - down to 1% with osimertinib. #LCSM @OncoAlert

#ESMO20 The CNS DFS HR was 0.18 with CNS DFS rate of 98% at 2 years with osimertinib compared to 85% with placebo. #LCSM @OncoAlert

#ESMO20 CNS recurrence can be devastating and can directly impact survival. Osimertinib clearly reducing CNS recurrence risk in #ADAURA. #LCSM

#ESMO20 Given the magnitude of PFS benefit with adjuvant osimertinib, #ADAURA was already paradigm shifting. While we await OS results, the impact on CNS DFS is notable and supports osimertinib as an option. Not necessarily a surprise but reassuring. #LCSM

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