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Sep 19, 2020, 7 tweets

Around 4⃣8⃣ million couples and 1⃣8⃣6⃣ million individuals around 🌏🌍🌎 live with infertility.

See the overview of global #infertility in the WHO updated factsheet 👉

What is infertility❓

#Infertility is a disease of the male or female reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.

More details 👉

In women, infertility may be caused by abnormalities of e.g.

🔴Fallopian tubes
🔴Endocrine system.

Full #infertility explainer 👉

In men, infertility is most commonly caused by problems in:

🔴Ejection of semen
🔴Absence or low levels of sperm
🔴Abnormal shape of sperm
🔴Movement of the sperm.

Full #infertility explainer 👉

Fertility care includes the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of #infertility.

However, this is rarely prioritized in national universal health coverage benefit packages.👉

Addressing #infertility helps

✅maintain individuals’ & couples’ right to found a family
✅mitigate gender inequality
✅boost access to fertility care services for all.

More in detail 👉

Recognizing the importance and impact of #infertility on people’s quality of life & well-being, WHO is working with countries & partners around 🌎🌏🌍 to address infertility and fertility care.

WHO response in detail 👉

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