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🇮🇹 🤌 🇵🇱 🇮🇪 I'm a freelance writer and truth-seeker, who covers politics, history, traditional cultures, and ancient mysteries. Proud Ellis🗽Island roots

Sep 20, 2020, 18 tweets


On 12/12/72 Marie-Hélène de Rothschild held a Surrealist Ball at Château de Ferrières, one of the family’s gigantic mansions.

It was packed with Illuminati symbolism.

While these events are usually extremely secretive, photographs of this particular Ball have surfaced

One that night, the Château de Ferrières was lit in red to make it appear as if it was on fire. Scenes from Roman Polanski’s movie about Satan “9th Gate” were filmed there.

Left, the hosts of the ball: Guy de Rothschild & Marie-Hélène de Rothschild wearing a horned “giant’s head” with tears made from real diamonds.

Right, Baroness Marie-Hélène de Rothschild and Baron Alexis de Redé.

Left, Baron Alexis de Redé wearing a multiple-faced mask.

A similar mask is seen in the 1999 Stanley Kubrick film "Eyes Wide Shut".

Right, Baphomet welcomes you.

This costume made reference to the famous painting The Son of Man, making a direct biblical reference to Eve eating the forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden.

Left, Salvador Dali doing his Dali face in front of his famous depiction of Mae West.

Right, Baron Alexis de Redé in a Dalí designed Hat and Mrs. Espírito Santo.

Left, Lots of bird cages can be seen.

Right, Audrey Hepburn, one of the guests, wears a birdcage.

Left, on the diner table are dismembered dolls and cracked skulls. 

Right, a mannequin-cadaver on the diner table.

More photos of the various customs on display that night.

Notice the esoteric themes of these costumes, such as the double face, i.e. androgen, male-female duality, antlers, i.e goats, Baphomet, birds, cages, etc...

Even the invitations were written in reverse and required a mirror to be read. 

Inversion is a big part of occult symbolism.

Did these costumes have an evil/satanic symbolism behind them?

Perhaps not as one would think at first glance.

Some of these are just representations of alchemichal, esoteric doctrines related to the power of Vril, or sexual transmutation, a practice familiar to many elites.

The double-faced mask likely represents a male-female faulty, also seen in many old illustrations related to alchemy.

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The horns and Baphomet symbolism are also likely not representations of the demonic but the same art of sexual transmutation (which Baphomet itself actually represents).

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*male-female duality

I'm not saying that there aren't immoral or outrageous acts committed at such gatherings (ala "Eyes Wide Shut").

However, I suspect that, since the elite wouldn't allow photographers at those types of events, the above Ball itself may have been nothing more than a big LARP.

Some articles about the 1972 Rothschild Ball:………

Guests at the party included Salvador Dali, Brigitte Bardot, Audrey Hepburn, and Marisa Berenson.

Another example of the use of symbolism to convey the sexual transmutation/alchemical ritual is the naked doll on the table with the "rose" on the pubis.

This represents The Great Arcanum, the true Philosophers Stone, the Secret of Secrets:…

Remember, most elite privately hold gnostic views that they have passed down to each other for countless generations.

These they guard zealously from the "profane classes" but still like to hint at it constantly (also from the dualistic belief that doing such reduces bad karma).

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