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This is the official twitter account of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India

Sep 20, 2020, 5 tweets


India scales yet another PEAK- Records all-time High of DAILY TESTING.

For the first time, more than 12 lakh COVID tests conducted in the last 24 hrs.…


Exponential Rise in Total Tests as they cross 6.36 cr.

From conducting merely 10,000 tests per day on 8th April, the daily average has crossed 12 lakhs today.

The last 1 crore tests were conducted in merely 9 days.


India’s daily testing numbers are one of the highest in the world.


Expanded diagnostic lab network and facilitation for easy testing across the country have given a sharp boost to the enhanced testing numbers.

The Tests Per Million (TPM) have been boosted to 46,131.


India has performed remarkably on fulfilling WHO’s advise of 140 tests/day/ million population.

35 States/UTs have crossed the advised number of tests.

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