CJ (Citizen Journalist 🇮🇳 My Bharat My Family) Profile picture
Techie | Political Observer | Dharmic Wing | Everyone on the Earth is Secular but not at the cost of their Dharma, Culture, Identity, Country & Land.

Sep 20, 2020, 7 tweets

#TMC Goon #DerekOBrien And #AAP Goon #SanjaySingh entered the well and broke the MIC of the #RajyaSabha Deputy Chairman, throws books & torn #FarmersBill during discussion in #AgricultureReformBills.

This is how TMC Goon #DerekOBrien manhandle the Deputy Chairman in #RajyaSabha, damaged the Mike system, torn the rulebook and thrown the #FarmBills papers to the chair.


This is how #AAP Goon #SanjaySingh stood on the Table of the House
and misbehaved in #RajyaSabha opposing #AgricultureReformBill


This is how #AAP #UrbanNaxal goon #SanjaySingh beating Security Staff & then dancing on the Table of #RajyaSabha opposing #AgricultureReformBill

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