Rachael Swindon #WeAreCollective Profile picture
“The Woman Leading Corbyn’s Twitter Army” - Buzzfeed | Blocked By 100+ Tory MPs | #WeAreCollective | Coffee table fan | Columnist: @TheCanaryUK

Sep 20, 2020, 12 tweets

A thread:
So, it works out, the woman harassing me online, for being hard-up, before putting out her own appeal for more than £5,000, has locked her account.

And this will be why...

It transpires her GoFundMe page was set up in February 2020. This has been planned. 1/12

Notice to leave her house was given in August. Apparently the landlady was selling up.

But then we need to skip forward a month to now... 2/12

Does this appeal mention eviction, or do you get the impression they need to pay arrears to move to more suitable accommodation?

Again, this appeal was set up when she started attacking me, @wrenasaurus & others, who were routinely shamed by her because we asked for help. 3/12

This is just a *tiny* amount of the abuse I’ve had from this one individual. It’s childish, vile, and deeply obsessive.

Many of my followers have seen worse. Some of it, I won’t re-publish, because it’s really quite hurtful. 4/12

Her gang even tried bullying, literally manipulating a widowed pensioner into saying he had been scammed.

This is a message I got from the same kind man just recently. Another *lie* busted.

Have they no shame 🥺5/12

The smearing and lying isn’t just done publicly. This was sent to someone who I have been good friends with for 6 years. I don’t think I have fans. They’re friends.

How many more were being being messaged with hate and lies about me? It’s deeply upsetting. 6/12

You can see from these tweets that she believes she is “calling out” something that exist. She had appointed herself head crusader. She wanted me out of the way to launch her pre-planned GoFundMe.

This is pure narcissism combined with targeted hatred. 7/12

In her goodbye tweet, which lasted around 10 minutes she was telling us what socialism is, yet 2 weeks before the 2019 General Election she was joining in with the Corbyn smears! Socialist my “minging arse”. 8/12

I could go on much further. I have been sent a mountain of evidence by multiple sources, and I’m very grateful to each and every one of you. I’m also grateful for the moral support I’ve had from some amazing friends throughout this barrage of nastiness. 9/12

I’ll finish on this. Most of you know I don’t usually tweet about trolls, my timeline is there for all to see. Occasionally I will, but I wouldn’t go into this much depth, I’ve got better things to do.

But let me be clear to her, or anyone else stalking me or my family 10/12

I will return everything you throw at me, with interest. Bullying is disgusting, and it has no place here, or in society. Zero tolerance.

But my friends will stand up for me, because that’s what friends do.

You guys can make your own minds up about her GoFundMe... 11/12

The funder got pulled, once she realised her own contradictions, and a set up date of February publicly displayed 🙈

The sniping will continue, I’ve no doubt, but I think I can safely say, my work here is done.

Enjoy the rest of your day xx

End. 12/12

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