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“The Woman Leading Corbyn’s Twitter Army” - Buzzfeed | Blocked By 100+ Tory MPs | #WeAreCollective | Coffee table fan | Columnist: @TheCanaryUK
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Nov 17, 2023 23 tweets 7 min read
🧵 We need to point out how Israel & the illegal settlers have long targeted Palestinian schools, teachers & children.

I’m not a great thread writer, but let me show you what I mean, starting with this Israeli tear gas attack in Hebron in 2021.

The first day of school in Jerusalem and the Israeli occupation forces raid a secondary school for girls, detaining the principal and 2 teachers and summoning others for questioning.


Aug 7, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
A small thread: Since just 2017 the average outlay on utility bills for families and businesses has increased by a massive 62%

Have your wages increased by 62%?

(Chief executives of huge energy corps, rail, mail and water need not reply)

Follow @RescueBritain 1/5 Since just 2017 the cost of gas has increased by a staggering 103%

Has Universal Credit doubled over the last 5 years? Has disability benefit increased by 103% over the last 5 years?

My friends, we are being conned. 2/5 #RescueBritain
Aug 6, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Here’s a few radical suggestions in a little thread.

A monthly prepayment meter allowance from the government, worth the households average monthly usage - for the next 12 months.

These are some of Britain’s poorest households and they need more help than most.

1/12 The £400 discount thing is money going directly from the government into the pockets of these huge corporations.

You won’t really notice any tangible difference when the bill arrives.

So what can the government do to make an actual difference?

Jun 15, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
A little thread for Mr Starmer.

Let’s start with the resignation letter. It was the weakest of the plotters by some distance.

Essentially, ‘Dear Jeremy, I’m quitting because everyone else is.’

Jeremy even gave him another chance.

#ApologiseKeirStarmer 1/12 How about going off script at the 2018 conference?

The speech you delivered wasn’t the speech you said you was going to deliver.

You didn’t care about Remain, you wanted to gift the 2019 election to Johnson. And you did.

#ApologiseKeirStarmer 2/12
Feb 7, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
A thread for @RishiSunak

Evening, Mr Sunak.

The £200 *loan* thing has to be addressed.

I doubt your intern will show you this, but it still needs saying.

You expect US to take a £200 loan while we pay YOU up to £3,500 a year to heat your home?

How is that okay?

1/14 You see, Rishi, you just wrote off £4.3 billion worth of Covid fraud.

28 million households could’ve had that £4.3 billion towards their energy bills.

But you think instructing us to take out a £200 loan is the answer? Are you for real?

Dec 22, 2021 13 tweets 2 min read
This Christmas in Tory Britain 4.3 million children live in poverty.

That's nearly one third of all children, or 9 children in a class of 30.

49% of children living in lone-parent families are in poverty.

This was *before* the pandemic.

A little thread: 1/13 This Christmas in Tory Britain work does not provide a guaranteed route out of poverty.

75% of children growing up in poverty live in a household where at least one person works.

The cost of living crisis is biting harder than ever, Mr Johnson.

Dec 4, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
As many people are aware, there has been a lengthy campaign of abuse, harassment, bullying and smearing towards a number of left-leaning Twitter accounts.

Tolerance is a good virtue, but people can think of this as weakness.

You know who you are.

1/10 We’ve had good socialist friends bullied off Twitter by this group.

Some of the abuse has been as hideous as anything I have ever witnessed, and I’ve been on here throughout the Corbyn years.

We’ve lost good friends, who really should’ve known better.

Aug 6, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Stalker & harasser James Cochrane.

Warned by police to stop harassing me.

Sends faeces to people he doesn’t like.

Weaponises dead Palestinian children.

Has made more than 100 allegations against me.

Failed to evidence a single allegation.

Continues to harass. 1/7 This is someone who decided to post David Baddiel’s ‘Jews Don’t Count’ book to me, under plain cover, anonymously. It took the police 2 months to track down the sender. Weird.

The police put my house on a fast response list because of him. Thanks James. 2/7
Jul 22, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
A thread.

Switch it round for a moment.

Starmer makes Labour the largest political party throughout Europe.

Membership fees and union money see Starmer’s Labour cash rich.

Starmer reversed the once-dire finances of the Labour Party in no time at all. 1/14 Along comes the 2017 election, and if it wasn’t for those pesky lefties intentionally sabotaging Labour’s chances, Starmer could’ve been Labour’s next Prime Minister.

Starmer owned Glasto though.

In November 2017 Starmer was EIGHT points ahead of the Tories!

Jun 3, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
A little thread: If you were around a few years ago you will remember how the establishment came for Jeremy Corbyn.

You’ll remember who, what, where, and why.

The same is happening again to Unite General Secretary candidate, Howard @BeckettUnite

And here’s why... 1/9 Beckett is an old school socialist. He was and still is a friend and supporter of @jeremycorbyn - they share many political ideologies, as do most of you reading this now.

Beckett has approached this contest as unashamedly socialist - this makes him an establishment target. 2/9
Feb 11, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
So, a right-wing think-tank claims the NHS has been “nothing special” during this unprecedented global pandemic.

The Institute of Economic Affairs, also claim it’s a “myth” to say the NHS performed well and we have “no reason to be grateful” for its existence.

Nonsense. 1/8 This think-tank counts Tory Peers and Tory donors on its board.

These selfish, utterly fucking clueless individuals have their own profit-driven agenda.

They deny the pandemic has exposed the consequences of ideological austerity.

But it clearly has. 2/8
Jan 8, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Hospitals in the Capital are overwhelmed.

This isn’t an exaggeration.

Here’s why:

Successive Conservative governments have intentionally underfunded the NHS.

It’s all on record. 1/13 Successive Conservative governments have cut the number of hospital beds, despite a growing and ageing population.

This results in the number of patients exceeding the number of available beds.

You don’t need to have a PhD to work this out. 2/13
Jan 4, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
However you look at it, today has been an utter shambles from the Labour leadership.

Regardless of your thoughts about Jeremy Corbyn, you know he would’ve stood by teachers, parents, pupils and unions immediately m, and without waiting for a leaked Downing St briefing. 1/13 Starmer has been caught out today. His video interview with a very persistent Sam Coates was truly lamentable.

This wasn’t a car crash, it was a 20 vehicle pile-up I’m afraid.

I have retweeted a couple of the many disillusioned Starmer voters - they’ve seen the light. 2/13
Dec 28, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Our inability to introduce remote learning during a global pandemic is a social problem.

A decade of austerity has left families without the means to own adequate devices, and some can’t even afford broadband.

Scoff all you like, but it is reality I’m afraid. 1/10 It wasn’t long ago @GavinWilliamson was promising help for poorer families, so their children could access the necessary equipment to learn from home and no child is left behind.

How did that go? Do I even need to ask?

Another huge failure from the fireplace flogger. 2/10
Nov 23, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Starmer is panicking.

I have thought about the latest attempt to publicly humiliate Me Corbyn, and some absolutely vital questions need answering by Nick Brown and Keir Starmer.

Why now? Why not last week?

Why have they come up with this ludicrous response now? 1/7 Why is this being done in public and not via the normal channels? This is completely extraordinary.

If it’s about “transparency”, release the WhatsApps messages between a key Starmer aide and Corbyn’s representatives prior to last weeks NEC panel. Nothing to hide? 2/7
Nov 21, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Not many people know... But without @TheMendozaWoman and @TheCanaryUK there probably wouldn’t be a Rachael Swindon.

And without @MrTopple there definitely wouldn’t be.


So when you’ve finished blaming them for me, please be sure you’re following them. 1/4 I remember one time, the filthy S*n arranged for a reporter to doorstep me. It was upsetting, and I had to disinfect the door. Twice, just to be sure.

But what did Kerry-Anne do? She went and doorstepped them. See how they liked it. ❤️ 2/4
Oct 1, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
This awful government haven’t learned a single lesson during this pandemic.

We still aren’t mass testing NHS workers and we still aren’t mass testing care workers.

Hundreds of beautiful souls have already been lost, caring for us. 1/9 Whitty admitted they haven’t got a control of the virus. Until we have a vaccine, if ever, we can only rely on a successful testing and tracing system.

Instead, we have proven failures such as Serco, Deloitte, and Baroness Dido Harding, coasting you an arm and a leg. 2/9
Sep 20, 2020 12 tweets 6 min read
A thread:
So, it works out, the woman harassing me online, for being hard-up, before putting out her own appeal for more than £5,000, has locked her account.

And this will be why...

It transpires her GoFundMe page was set up in February 2020. This has been planned. 1/12 Image Notice to leave her house was given in August. Apparently the landlady was selling up.

But then we need to skip forward a month to now... 2/12 ImageImage
Sep 15, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
A short thread about erm, a Gazebo.

One of the (many) lies repeated about me refers to me owning a £500/£1000/£1200 gazebo.

So let’s put this straight first.

This one lie, repeated by the same people, ensured I had messages sent to me calling me “vile scum”... 1/8 Image The evidence was based on a screenshot of a Facebook post. Now most sensible people know, if you put “£1,234” in the price bit, you’re seeking the best offer.

You also probably know a basic gazebo as pictured in the first tweet, costs between £40-80 on eBay... 2/8
Sep 10, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
China - they who are currently removing the wombs of Muslim women, and committing genocide on an unimaginable scale - are in the running for a place on the United Nations Human Rights Council. 1/7 - Short Thread. This is utterly sickening. The Chinese government are committing human rights abuses. Sterilisation. Rape. Forced marriage. Mass executions. The correction camps are concentration camps.

Britain is nowhere near vocal enough. 2/7
Sep 3, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
If Miliband had ‘Milifans’ and Corbyn had ‘Corbynistas’, does that mean Starmer has ‘Lib Dem voters’? Have your say -