Dave Feldman Profile picture
Engineering / Lipidology / Citizen+Formal Science 🎗 https://t.co/tKrrIdYbcn (501c3) 🟡 https://t.co/EhKewu6oLH 🩸 https://t.co/D1LrI2vCWq

Sep 20, 2020, 5 tweets

The Five Stages of Emotion with Methodical N=1 Experiments:

Stage 1: Excitement at the Idea

You realize with just X days of intensive effort and Y blood draws, you'll get some extremely valuable data.

Stage 2: Focused Beginning

You hit the ground running -- checklists, clocks, scheduling with cooking and phlebotomists!

Stage 3: Dread at the End

This experiment is taking fooooooorever. Why do you even do these things? Every day seems to get exponentially longer.

And are those few hickups you had going to ruin everything anyway?

Stage 4: The Long, Painful Wait on the Data

Experiment is over, but the labs don't come back instantly...

... I know it might not make sense to anyone who doesn't do this -- but the wait for data is often the worst part!

(@siobhan_huggins knows what I'm talking about)

Stage 5: The Joy of Completion

Somehow, numbers on devices, or in a patient portal, or on the pdf of a fax for your labs -- somehow that fills you with the excitement of a child getting presents on their birthday.

All emotional debts forgiven -- when can we go again?!?

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