Nicholas Fondacaro Profile picture
Associate Editor for @theMRC and @NewsBusters. Bylines and citations in @FoxNews, @DailyCaller, and many more. D&D Dungeon Master #Critter. #2A #JetUp

Sep 20, 2020, 5 tweets

Growing increasingly irate, @NBCNews political director Chuck Todd (who claims to be a non-biased "referee") yells at Sen. Barrasso (R-WY) for pointing out precedent and for doing what Democrats would undoubtedly do if they had both the WH and Senate: fill the vacant SCOTUS seat.

When Senator Barrasso again mentioned the Biden Rule, Todd screamed at his guest: "What are you-- there is no Biden Rule!"

Refusing to apply the same standard to Dems who were against filling SCOTUS seats in election years before they were for it and before they were against it again, Todd called Barrasso a hypocrite: "Whatever you're saying today will change depending on the politics at the moment?"

Claiming he understood what average Americans thought, Todd (who rented a house to Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)) denounced Senate Republicans as hypocrites with "caveats." Still no mention of the Democrats' flip-flop-flip on filling SCOTUS vacancies in elections years.

In between outbrusts at Sen. Barrasso, Todd would sit there and make faces at him. Here's a sampling:

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