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Sep 20, 2020, 15 tweets

been playing some A Robot Named Fight! lately and it takes a while to get into but it's pretty great

big fan of how the Bright Shell looks

my current run has me working with a cool chargeable electrified rocket launcher that shoots toddler sized thunder missiles

well the toddler sized thunder missiles weren't good enough because this robot named fight is dead

we start again with a rail gun and some nano bots

my first winning robot, number 28

29 found a head that shoots lasers

cyclops here was my second winning robot, immediately after my first one, but was easily the most broken so far.

this maniac was triple shotting house sized chargeable toxic lightning balls that made nano bots after every kill and were autofiring from her face

i feel like i might be making mountains out of molehills here considering that most roguelikes have a level of difficulty that requires some broken builds to win but i melted the boss in 5 seconds, like come on

robot number 32 had nothing going for him but a gun that shot 4 buzz saws at time, and yet this hard working fool managed to not only be the third robot to beat the final boss, but the first to get to the actual ending area, where he was promptly Bopped by the actual final boss

32 has taught me that anyone can get ahead, not just the perfect meat maker, who can get a head very easily

fight number 36 discovers some graffiti with harrowing implications

the belief does not deserve proper spelling

36, my third winner, was the most pious of the robots, making offerings to every robot god's shrine, and using his nano bots as offerings to his own strength. he was the perfect meat maker

robot 39 was a breakthrough in Broken Lunacy for me, her gigantic radiant malice was fueled by her wealth and health, making her a meat making machine unlike any other. she cleared rooms with the touch of a finger, she moved like water, and she beat the final boss in 5 seconds

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