Ethan J. Weiss Profile picture
Scientist (metabolism) & Cardiologist (prevention); 2 girls, 1 wife (@PalmerWeiss), 2 dogs; mostly @warriors these days

Sep 21, 2020, 24 tweets

I'm going to start this thread by saying that I have the self-awareness that this is a very first-world problem. That said, @amazon is the biggest company in the world (or close) and they can do better - cc: @JeffBezos

Here's the story. This morning I ordered groceries from Whole Foods for dinner tonight and for food for the family for the week. I even paid $5 for a 1 hour slot from 4-5PM. I started getting messages from the shopper at 2:47. I responded to all of them

I had asked @RuthieSWeiss to listen out for the delivery as I took the dog out for a walk. She called me at 5 to day that they were not there. So I decided to look into it. Here is a chat exchange between me and the @amazon customer service agents. It speaks for itself...

OK that's it. And yes I realize I am being an entitled boob but I think it's also true that we are all a bit on edge and little things like this are kind of like chewing glass...


Sorry also I'm tired and annoyed so I am not proofreading this thread so it's probably a mess but I don't care

Post-script: the doorbell just rang. Someone is fucking with me

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