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Sep 21, 2020, 7 tweets

Bharat & its divisions (both geographical & people) has time & again been described in great detail in various Hindu scriptures in detail, in particular the Puranas. They make particular emphasis on the Chaturvarna. Vishnu Purana defines the boundaries of Bharat.

The Vayu Purana too makes the same reference. It defines Bharat as the home of the Chaturvarnas. It also makes reference to the Ashrama system (Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha, Sannyasa)

And so does the Markandeya Purana. It clearly says only people belonging to Chaturvarna can call Bharat their home. The outsiders to the west & east are referred to as Yavanas & Kiratas respectively.

Each of the Puranas make particular emphasis on this point.

KM Munshi in his foreword in the book "The struggle for Empire" notes how the Varnashrama system helped shaped the consciousness of Bharat. This is often referred to as the "Aryavarta consciousness"

That each of those from the 4 Varnas inhabiting this land is noble in character.

Medhatithi in his commentary on the Manusmriti defines Aryavarta as the land that can never be conquered. Even if temporarily overrun by "mlecchas"; the Aryas belonging to the 4 Varnas would always rise up to reclaim their land.

Munshi notes how the system of Chaturvarna found wide acceptance among the dwellers of Bharat & how it gave them a sense of identity & duty.

The most important & profound point. What the Chaturvarna system accomplished was to keep in us alive the emotional awareness of the unity & sanctity of Bharat.

One of the reasons or perhaps the only reason why we continue to remain the oldest living civilization on the planet.

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