Auschwitz Memorial Profile picture
Former German Nazi concentration & extermination camp Auschwitz. Official account. We commemorate victims, educate about history & preserve the authentic site.

Sep 21, 2020, 5 tweets

21/22 September 1940 | 2nd transport from #Warsaw arrived at the German #Auschwitz camp with 1705 people, including: Władysław Bartoszewski (4427), Stanisław Dubois (3904), Konstanty Jagiełło (4507) oraz Witold Pilecki (4859). 1/5

Władysław Bartoszewski was a prisoner of Auschwitz. After his release, a Home Army member, an activist of "Żegota" Council, participant of the Warsaw Uprising; historian & writer; Chairman of the International Auschwitz Council, Founder of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation. 2/5

Stanisław Dubois, a socialist, was one of the leaders of the camp resistance at #Auschwitz. He was shot on 21 August 1942.… 3/5

Konstanty Jagiełło was a member of the resistance in #Auschwitz. He escaped on April 27, 1944. He continued his activities in a partisan unit near Auschwitz. He fell in combat with the SS on October 27, 1944 while organizing the escape of other inmates from the camp. 4/5

Witold Pilecki was a Polish soldier in 1920 & 1939 wars. In 1940 he successfully managed to infiltrate Auschwitz and was one of the co-founders of the camp resistance. He escaped in April 1943 & wrote a report about the crimes in the camp.… 5/5

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