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10 June 1942 | A group of prisoners of the penal company at #Auschwitz who were digging the main draining ditch at the Auschwitz II-Birkenau camp, decided to escape. About 50 Poles started to run, only 9 managed to flee the pursuit. Some were later captured. | THREAD Image
Aleksander Buczyński, on the 4th day after the escape he was captured by German gendarmes near Mysłowice. During the investigation he was incarcerated in Block 11. He was executed on 14 July 1942. Image
Tadeusz Chróścicki managed to swim across the Vistula river and after a long march, thanks to assistance provided by the Poles encountered on the way, he crossed the border of the General Government. He remained in hiding in Radom. He survived. Image
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#Sopranos fans know the #BustOut as a mob tactic in which a business is taken over, loaded up with debt, and driven into the ground, wrecking the business's workers, customers and suppliers. When the mob does it, it's a bust out; when Wall Street does it, it's #PrivateEquity.

1/ An overgrown graveyard, ren...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

It used to be that we rarely heard about private equity, but then, as national chains and iconic companies started to vanish, this mysterious financial arrangement popped up with increasing frequency.

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Heute vor 75 Jahren: #WitoldPilecki wird nach einem Schauprozess vom kommunistischen Sicherheitsapparat hingerichtet. Ihm werden "Spionage u. Landesverrat" vorgeworfen. Während des Krieges dokumentierte Pilecki d. Massenmord im Vernichtungslager #Auschwitz u. war im Widerstand/1 Image
gegen die deutschen Nationalsozialisten aktiv. Nach der "Befreiung" 1945 versprach Stalin demokratische Wahlen in Polen- setzte aber durch Wahlfälschungen und Gewalt schrittweise ein pro-sowjetisches Marionettenregime ein. Gegner der Kommunisten wurden als vermeintliche/2
"westliche Spione" verhaftet, ermordet oder ins Exil getrieben. Pilecki und anderen Angeklagten wird "das höchste Verbrechen des Hochverrats", "böser Wille und Hass auf Volks-Polen" vorgeworfen. Quelle: "Dziennik Zachodni" vom 17. März 1948 @PileckiInstitut ImageImage
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25 May 1948 | Witold Pilecki was executed in Warsaw. A Polish soldier in 1920 & 1939 wars, volunteer prisoner of the German #Auschwitz camp, co-founder of camp resistance. He escaped in April 1943 & wrote a report about the crimes in the camp.… ImageImage
After his escape #Pilecki participated in the Warsaw Uprising, he was a POW at Lamsdorf & Murnau camps. After the war in the Polish II Corps of gen. Władysław Anders in Italy. During the communist terror in Poland sentenced to death & murdered on 25 May 1948. ImageImage
"I've been trying to live my life so that in the hour of my death I would rather feel joy, than fear." (Witold Pilecki) ImageImage
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26/27 April 1943 | Three Poles escaped #Auschwitz: Edward Ciesielski (12969), Witold Pilecki (4859) & Jan Redzej (5430). #Pilecki was one of the co-founders of military resistance inside the camp. After the escape, he wrote an elaborate report about German crimes in Auschwitz.… ImageImageImageImage
Telegrams sent by the camp Gestapo (Politische Abteilung - Political Department) in #Auschwitz informing about the escape. One mentions "Thomas Serafinski" (false identity of Witold Pilecki) and "Johann Retko" (Jan Redzej). The other, Edward Ciesielski. ImageImage
This is how Witold Pilecki described his escape in his report. Image
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16 April 1947 | SS-Obersturmbannführer Rudolf Höss, the first commandant of the German #Auschwitz camp was hanged after he was sentenced to death by the Supreme National Tribunal in Warsaw.

[THREAD - 1/9] Image
Rudolf Höss was born in Baden-Baden on 25 November 1901. He joined the Nazi Party in 1922 and the SS in 1934. He started his career in Dachau in December 1934, then he worked in KL Sachsenhausen.… Image
In May 1940 Rudolf Höss was appointed by Heinrich Himmler as the commandant of a new concentration camp created in occupied Polish territory annexed to the Third Reich - #Auschwitz. Image
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Der #Neonazi Johannes W. wurde heute vom Amtsgericht #Braunschweig zu einer Geldstrafe von 80 Tagessätzen wegen Beleidigung verurteilt. Hintergrund war die Anmeldung einer "Mahnwache" am 24.11.2020 unter dem Motto "Zionismus stoppen" von 19:33 bis 19:45 Uhr direkt an der Synagoge Bild zeigt die Mauer der von den Nazis in der Reichspogromna
Ein Verfahren wegen #Volksverhetzung war zunächst eingestellt worden. Nach Beschwerde durch Bernadette Gottschalk, deren Familie in #Auschwitz umgebracht wurde, wurde die Ermittlungen wieder aufgenommen. Johannes W., zum Zeitpunkt der "Mahnwache" Vorsitzender des Kreisverband ...
#Braunschweig-#Hildesheim der #Neonazi-Partei "Die Rechte" erhielt daraufhin einen Strafbefehl wegen Beleidigung in Höhe von 30 Tagessätzen, gegen den er Widerspruch einlegte.
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¿Conocéis nuestro sello @laotrah? Publicamos novelas gráficas que siguen la vida de personas importantes a lo largo de la historia. 
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Además aprovechamos para presentaros algunas de nuestras últimas publicaciones 👇🧵
@laotrah Este libro se centra en el activismo político de #AngelaDavis y nos acerca a la vida de uno de los iconos del #feminismo y una de las figuras más emblemáticas de la lucha contra el racismo y en pro de la igualdad en Estados Unidos. 
@laotrah Al inicio de este libro, #PrimoLevi conoce a los alumnos de la escuela en Turín. De la mano del escritor, los niños aprenderán qué fue el #Holocausto, y conocerán la experiencia en primera persona de uno de los supervivientes del infierno de #Auschwitz.
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Jozef & Wiktoria Ulma risked their lives to help Jews during the #Holocaust. On 24 March 1944 the German police discovered the Jews in hiding.

The Jewish family was shot, as was the entire Ulma family - parents & 6 children. Wiktoria was 7 months pregnant. Image
March 24 - the anniversary of the murder of the Ulma family - is today in Poland the National Day of Remembrance of Poles who saved Jews during German occupiation. See this thread to learn about #Righteous linked with #Auschwitz.
#Auschwitz prisoner Jerzy Radwanek helped many Jews in the camp.… Image
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22 March 1943 | The Zentralbauleitung of the #Auschwitz camp (Central Construction office) completed the construction of gas chamber and crematorium IV at Auschwitz II-Birkenau camp. The undressing rooms, gas chamber and crematorium were located on the ground level. 1/5 Image
The gas chamber space was divided into three smaller rooms and had a total of 236.78 square meters. The exterior walls had holes with gas proof trapdoors for inserting Zyklon B. 2/5
The crematorium was equipped with one eight-oven furnace. According to the calculations made German manufacturer Topf & Soehne, 768 corpses could be burned in this crematorium every 24 hours. 3/5 Image
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1/ ... " Das #ICTY in Den Haag hat den verstorbenen serbischen Präsidenten Slobodan #Milošević in aller Stille von #Kriegsverbrechen freigesprochen, die während des bosnischen Krieges von 1992 bis 1995 begangen wurden, einschließlich des Massakers von Srebrenica. Image
2/ Weit entfernt davon, sich mit dem verurteilten Führer der bosnischen Serben, Radovan Karadzic, zu verschwören, opponierte demnach Milosevic gegen ihn und „verurteilte ethnisches Säubern“. Er versuchte, den Krieg zu stoppen, der Jugoslawien auflöste.
3/ Diese Wahrheit, die am Ende von 2590 Seiten des Urteils über Karadzic vom vergangenen Februar begraben wurde, zertrümmert einmal mehr die Propaganda, mit der die #NATO ihren illegalen Angriff auf #Serbien 1999 rechtfertigte.(...)
John Pilger…
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Drank antifreeze from thirst: #Russians starved #Ukrainian prisoners of war to death

The #Russian occupiers kept several captured #Ukrainian soldiers in the basement without food for two months.

As journalist #Sergei_Garmash said on Facebook, one of the prisoners of war who Image
was released was brought to a hospital, not far from the front line.

"I have never seen anything like this. Except in the #Soviet newsreel about the liberation of #Auschwitz. Extreme exhaustion. Just a living skeleton. Ours recaptured the enemy position and found him.
A fighter of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was in captivity for two months in the basement. They didn’t feed him. If it weren’t for one #Russian soldier who, out of pity, shared his rations with him, would die of starvation. He drank antifreeze from thirst.
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6 March marks the European Day of the Righteous, established in 2012 by the European Parliament.

See this thread to learn stories of Righteous Among the Nations recognized by @yadvashem linked with the history of the German Nazi camp #Auschwitz.
#Auschwitz prisoner Jerzy Radwanek helped many Jews in the camp.… Image
#Auschwitz survivors Zofia Kossak-Szczucka and Władysław Bartoszewski were honoured for their work in "Żegota" - the Polish Council to Aid Jews… ImageImage
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Heute vor 70 Jahren starb #Stalin. Sein langer Schatten ist noch sichtbar. Ohne den Stalinismus lässt sich #Putin/s Invasion der #Ukraine nicht verstehen. Stalins Machtsystem aus ideologischem Wahnsinn, Paranoia u. russ. Chauvinismus wirkt bis heute nach, ein Thread🧵/1
Im Krieg mit dem Dritten Reich ging Stalin als Sieger hervor, aber unter enormen Verlusten. Insgesamt starben ca. 26 Mio. EinwohnerInnen der Sowjetunion aller Nationalitäten. Stalin erklärte in seiner Siegesrede (24. Mai 1945) das "russische Volk" zur "hervorragentsten Nation"/2
Er legte damit den Grundstein zur russisch-nationalen Deutung des 2. WK, die #Putin schließlich zum Kult machte. Statt Aufarbeitung findet eine Renaissance des Stalinismus statt. Kritik an Stalin kann heute - wie bei #Memorial - als "Rehabilitierung d. Nazismus" bestraft werden/3
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5 March 1888 | A German Jew, Eugen Salomon, was born in Wörrstadt. His family moved to Mainz, where he became one of the founders and chairman of today’s football club @1FSVMainz05 at the age of only 17.
He was initially a successful textile manufacturer and later worked as a salesman. Throughout his life, he supported Mainz 05 together with a circle of companions through his work and with financial means.
In 1933, Eugen Salomon was forced to leave Mainz and emigrate to France. In 1942 he was deported from Drancy to Auschwitz, where he was murdered on 14 Nov. of that year. Until today Mainz 05 takes a great interest in Eugen Salomon‘s fate.
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Two pictures of the same man - as a pre-war actor and as a prisoner of #Auschwitz from 19 November 1942 (no. 76174).

Witold Zacharewicz, a Polish film actor of the 1930s, was murdered in Auschwitz exactly 80 years ago today, on 16 February 1943.…
Witold Zacharewicz and his family were involved in the production of false documents for Jews hiding in Warsaw. The Gestapo managed to discover their activity. He was arrested on 1 October 1942 and deported to Auschwitz the next month.
The mother of Witold Zacharewicz was also deported to #Auschwitz. Wanda Zacharewicz was registered on 27 November 1942 (camp no. 26017). She perished in the camp on 4 January 1943.
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Me tomé el trabajo de traducir los discursos más significativos del Parlamento alemán del último año. La mayoría de la gente no entiende cómo #Alemania puede ser tan estúpida en lo que respecta a sus propios intereses nacionales. Pero aún quedan voces por la paz
Fecha: 08.09.22
Aquí está el discurso de Sahra #Wagenknecht del partido #DieLinke. Ella llama al gobierno alemán el más estúpido de Europa y exige la reapertura de los oleoductos #Northstream. 2 semanas después de esto fueron volados por #Biden & #CIA
Fecha: 08.02.23
Alice #Weidel, del partido de derechas #AfD, critica al canciller #Scholz por su reticencia a juzgar a los #EE.UU. por su #ataque terrorista contra el oleoducto alemán-ruso #Nordstream.
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I took the effort to translate the most significant speeches of the German Parliament of the last year. Most people don't understand how #Germany could be so stupid concerning their own national interests. But there are still voices left for peace
#NordstreamSabotage #Leopard
Date: 08.09.22
Here is a speech of Sahra #Wagenknecht of the left party #DieLinke. She is calling the german government the most stupid in Europe and demand the reopening of the #Northstream pipelines. 2 weeks after this they were blown up by #Biden & #CIA
Date: 08.02.23
Alice #Weidel from the right wing party #AfD is calling out chancellor #Scholz about his reluctance to judge the #USA for their #TerrorAttack on German/Russian #Nordstream pipeline. She also scolds foreign minister #Baerbock as a illiterate.
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L'articolo de Linkiesta è molto semplicistico e confusionario. Inoltre, fa delle affermazioni non vere perché non riscontrabili nei documenti ufficiali.

L'articolo seguente lo dimostra:

Bisogna fare alcune precisazioni riguardo l'articolo de @Linkiesta:

• Quali sono le prove che il 90% di tutte le truppe che entrarono ad #Auschwitz fossero #ucraini (provenienti dai territori dell'attuale #Ucraina)?

L'articolo non lo dice.;

• I primi reparti che entrarono nel campo di #Auschwitz furono quelli facenti parte della 60ª Armata del Generale Kurochkin del Fronte Voronezh, ribattezzato "1° Fronte Ucraino" dopo la liberazione dell'Ucraina, del Maresciallo Ivan Stepanovič Konev.


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#Auschwitz Zur Gedenkfeier ist Moskau nicht eingeladen: “Given the aggression against a free and independent Ukraine, representatives of the Russian Federation have not been invited to attend this year’s commemoration,” Piotr Sawicki, spokesman for the museum.
#Auschwitz “I hope that will change in the future but we have a long way to go,” he said, according to the PAP news agency. “Russia will need an extremely long time and very deep self-examination after this conflict in order to return to gatherings of the civilized world.”
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During the Civil War of 1918-1922, launched by the invasion of 19 foreign armies against the Bolshevik regime, between 50,000 and 200,000 Jews were killed in Ukraine alone, mostly by counter-revolutionary White and Ukrainian nationalist forces.

#NazisInUkraine #NeverAgain
Polish armed forces also participated in the notorious pogrom of Pinsk, in which 35 Jews were murdered.

Poland’s prime minister justified it by saying that it was a “matter of pure Bolshevism. We executed the people responsible for the crime, and they happened to be Jews.”
It helped mobilize fascist regimes and far-right forces across Eastern Europe, including the governments of Romania and Hungary and the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B), in what the Nazis portrayed as an anti-Bolshevik and anti-Jewish crusade.
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1.🕯Today the whole world honors the memory of the victims of the #Holocaust. Innocent people became victims of Nazi terror. They were starved, forced hard labor, exhaustion, medical experiments, they were shot, burned in crematoria or killed in gas chambers.⬇️ ImageImage
2. Among the victims, in addition to Jews, there were also Sinti, Roma, people with disabilities, homosexuals, members of the Catholic resistance, dissidents...
On January 27, 1945, soldiers of the 1st Ukrainian Front liberated the prisoners of the largest death camp,⬇️ ImageImage
3. Auschwitz-Birkenau, near the Polish town of #Auschwitz.

We must remember the tragedy of the past and do everything to prevent the recurrence of such pain.⬇️ ImageImage
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Heute ist der Gedenktag der Befreiung von #Auschwitz durch die Rote Armee. #Putin begründet seinen Krieg in der #Ukraine mit dem "Kampf gegen [Neo]#Nationalsozialismus u. #Faschismus" - eine bizarre Verfälschung der Geschichte u. eine Instrumentalisierung der Opfer, ein Thread/1
In seiner "Kriegsrede" am 24. Februar 22 beschimpte Putin die Regierung in #Kyjiw als "#Neonazis" die aber gleichzeitig "antinational" seien. Ein auffälliger Widerspruch, zumindest für unsere Erinnerungskultur. Zu erklären mit einer neo-stalinistischen Deutung des 2. Weltkriegs/2
Stalin verstand den Kampf gegen die deutsche Wehrmacht als "Großen Vaterländischen Krieg", der vor allem gegen Russland gerichtet gewesen sei. Hitlers Idee des "Lebensraums" und die Vernichtung der Juden wurde dagegen in den Hintergrund gedrängt. Die jüdischen Opfer des/3
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Una storia triste e dai risvolti malinconici da raccontare in occasione della #Giornodellamemoria: Anatoliy Shapiro, l'ebreo ucraino che aprí i cancelli di #Auschwitz
Anatoliy Shapiro nacque vicino a Kharkiv da genitori ebrei, nel 1913. Dopo un diploma da ingegnere, si aruola nell'armata rossa e diviene ufficiale. Allo scoppio della guerra parte volontario per il fronte.
Shapiro partecipa a varie battaglie, soprattutto nel Caucaso dove i nazisti tentano di sfondare. Viene ferito a Kursk, ma viene poi messo al comando di una piccola divisione, stanziata al confine con la Polonia, durante la ritirata dei nazisti.

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