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Sep 21, 2020, 10 tweets

As authorities consider new restrictions, it's worth looking at the data from our UK #COVID19 news and info project, funded by @NuffieldFound. We conducted surveys from April to August. Here's what we learned

1. Most Brits would take preventive measures to stop infections

2. Even among people who say they do not trust the UK government as a source of info about #COVID19, large majorities say they would take 5 of the 6 preventative measures we have data on. We find still higher willingness to adopt them among those who say they trust the government

3. Even among people who say they are not relying on news organisations for news and info about coronavirus, a majority say they would take 5 of the 6 preventative measures we have data on. We find still higher willingness to adopt preventive measures among frequent news users

4. These figures are from our survey in June.

Here are some of the challenges any new restrictions would face: according to the survey we conducted in mid-August, only 44% regard the UK government as a trustworthy source on #COVID19. This % has gone down 23 points since April

5. Here's another source of concern:

38% say they are very or extremely concerned about false or misleading information about #COVID19 from the UK government. This % has gone up 11 points since April…

6. These figures from early July show are striking:

Back then 57% thought the UK government's response had been worse or much worse than the response of most other developed countries. That % had gone up 11 points since April…

7. The perception of the UK government's response to #COVID19 hasn't improved since then.

The % of people who think it's doing a good job has fallen from 54% in April to 28% in August…

8. Asked what they see as the most important issue facing the UK, most of the people (50%) said #COVID19 in mid-August.

The % has gone down 19 points since April but it's still much higher than the % responding "the economy" (20%)…

9. You can explore many more figures from the UK #COVID19 news and info project, funded by @NuffieldFound in this link.

It includes 10 factsheets and one longer report authored by @dragz @rasmus_kleis & @antoniskalog in the last few months.…

10. Here you can check out how different indicators have evolved in the UK.

This first part of the page presents some of the data from the online panel survey. The second part displays data from the content tracking coded by @_FelixSimon_…

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