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On the Road to Mastery. Physical Therapist / Fitness / MMA / Crypto / Building Biz. Tweets are Just my thoughts 💭

Sep 21, 2020, 9 tweets


//A Thread//

5 of the best stretches to keep your low back loose and pain free.

Been getting a lot of requests for low back pain in the DM's

I'll be showing 5 stretches you can do to help with this!

Do these daily if you sit a lot.

1. Prone Press Up:

We spend most of our time in a flexed position.

Our lower spine tends to get stiff.

This exercise works on getting lumbar extension and helps reduce the stiffness.

Try 3 sets of 20 once a day.

2. Open Book:

This exercise targets rotation of the mid/low back.

Usually, this feels great and gives a nice stretch to the low back muscles.

Try doing 10 reps on each side and holding for a few seconds at the end of each rep.

3. Hamstring Stretch:

Tight hamstrings = low back pain.

You can do this in a doorway against the wall.

Hit both sides for 30-60 seconds x 3 sets.

4. Childs Pose

A nice stretch for the low back muscles.

Feels good if you sit a lot.

Hold for 30-60 seconds a couple of times.

5. Trunk Twists

Another option for low back rotation.

Great stretch and movement for the spine.

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Disclaimer: This is not medical advice.

If you have pain with any of these movements you should stop and see a professional.

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