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I'm a dog. I bark. New Parler ~ @Gooddog58834 Telegram ~

Sep 21, 2020, 10 tweets

This is so sad.

But, justice must be served on this fellow. He is compromised. His rulings are compromised & US Jurisprudence was purchased by luciferian hirelings, fellow travelers - and silencers.

Right [AS]?

or, should I say, just like [AS]?

We must look close w/dispassionate contemplation - as we consider their treason.

Why did Obama steal land & kill Americans defending their rights [Finicum]?

Why did the land Obama stole - get given away to China?

Why did the media cover it up?

WHO provides 4AM Talking Points?

Why are all the valuable mines, wells, reserves, minerals & access points?

Why are all attacks happening in DEEP WATER PORT AREAS?

Why are Radical Left lieutenants in ANTIFA & BLM allowed to skate to kill again?

Where are the all the environmental crocodile tears?


Why are all the illegal aliens allowed to flow into the same area claimed as a NEW COUNTRY - by LA RAZA?

Why was [AS] body found exactly there? What else happened on that SPOT?

What does LA RAZA actually MEAN?

Why do ANTIFA & BLM fund [D] candidates?

Why burn down the PNW?

Why do illegal aliens collect in key battleground states?

Why do they all vote for candidates who promise to keep the borders open?

Do lower wages HURT those already here legally?


Why do the CLEAN COAL FIELDS of the FOUR CORNERS also happen to be in the middle of Hussein's Land Grab?

Who wants CLEAN COAL the most?

Who's economy has bloomed during the CCP-VIRUS shutdown?

Riots, looting, murder?

What happens when we MAP the VIOLENCE & ARSON?

What happens when we overlay the RESOURCE MAP?

Why do the shills who constantly disrupt private & public communications?



Let me paint the picture!

Here's a fun read - Muslim Brotherhood's Plan To Destroy America!

Can you handle the truth?

If [D's] are elected - this will be the new reality! Oh, and we and our families will be dead.

General Chi Haotian spelled it out - DECADES AGO.

The SECRET is only kept from YOU.

Let's sum up:

When Luciferian Globalists are done redrawing America's map - there will be NO UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

We are each being used as tools of a Darker Purpose.

When the CCP/PLA is done - there will be only Chinese. Biowarfare - General Chi Haotian.


#225 // MOAB

Mother of all bombs. What did they intend for half the American population if they won?

Listen to a Native American whistleblower - with NO DOG IN THIS HUNT. His commentary is alarming.

Ruth was from MOAB. Did you know .... just there ....

time of release?

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