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Sep 21, 2020, 12 tweets

The State Department, EPA, and VA are moving forward with critical race theory trainings—in violation of a presidential order.

The agencies are pressuring staff to denounce their "white privilege," become "co-resistors" against "systemic racism," and sign "equity pledges."



The State Department is moving forward with a "21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge," in which staff are asked to recite a racial equity "pledge," "select a different minority group daily," and engage in a "10-15 minute challenge" in "pursuit of racial equity."

To begin, the State Department tells employees to provide "emotional validation" for the George Floyd riots, which were caused by "cumulative grief." They specify that "looting" is "not endorsed," but rationalize it as an action of "the child who is not embraced by the village."

During the first week, employees are told to read "Becoming An Ally to Indigenous People," which instructs them to "use [their] own white privilege to speak out about injustices" and "[support] the efforts of Native people around the world to retain sovereignty of their lands."

In another lesson, employees are told to watch a video called "The Psychology of Black Hair," which claims that they "live in societies that value whiteness" and that "the histories of slavery, colonialism, and discrimination are weaved into our understanding of Black hair."

Finally, in Week 2, the State Department asks staff to "directly [challenge] institutionalized/systemic racism, colonization, and white supremacy," become a "co-resistor" against "oppressive institutions," and "transfer the benefits of their privilege to those who have less."


The EPA is hosting a seminar on "Race, Resilience, and the Role of Being an Ally." They will teach "allyship, anti-racism, white fragility, microaggressions, white privilege, and systemic racism"—the key terms of critical race theory.

As part of the course, the EPA will teach employees how to "abolish racism and racist tendencies during a pandemic." The course is taught by race-trainer Buck Davis and someone named "Spirit."


The Veterans Administration is moving forward with hosting a "Race Café" at its West Palm Beach office. Employees will have a "discussion of Microaggressions" and executives will sign an "equity pledge."


This is a grave violation of a presidential order—and threatens to undermine our democratic system. Scholars at @ClaremontInst and elsewhere have long warned about the administrative state becoming an unconstitutional "fourth branch of government." It must be stopped.

I have full confidence that @RussVought45 will shut down these trainings immediately. He is a fighter for the rule of law and will not tolerate open insubordination against the President.

So, remember, kids:

P.S. Here are the original source documents for the State Department, EPA, and VA's critical race theory training sessions.…

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