''Jeffrey Young'' Profile picture
Deputy Editor, @modrnhealthcr. Ex- @HuffPost, @thehill, @business, @ElsevierConnect. Pennsylvania born and bred. @williamandmary alumnus.

Sep 21, 2020, 12 tweets

People are giving Bill Barr guff about declaring New York City an #AnarchistJurisdiction. Well, this Brooklyn resident is here to tell you it's a nightmare out there! I documented the horrors I found within just one block of my apartment. READER DISCRETION ADVISED [1/11]

I encountered this unsettling scene right on my own doorstep. Where is the baby? Don't bother asking Di Blasio, who banned the cops from investigating baby snatching. #AnarchistJurisdiction [2/11]

Nobody has bought this building. You know why? I bet it's BLM's fault somehow. #AnarchistJurisdiction [3/11]

THREE BIKES LOCKED TO THE SAME SIGNPOST? That's an anarchy for sure. #AnarchistJurisdiction [4/11]

Wasn't one plastic bag hanging from a fence enough for you leftist bastards? Terrifying. #AnarchistJurisdiction [5/11]

Sweet fucking Jesus H. Christ on a crutch #AnarchistJurisdiction [6/11]

An antifa rendition squad kidnapped everyone at this slice joint. Why hasn't Joe Biden condemned them? I think we all know... #AnarchistJurisdiction [7/11]

I guess these agitators want the entire city to burn down. I mean, just look at this. #AnarchistJurisdiction [8/11]

Check out the sorry condition of this trashcan. (It's metaphor for New York City.) #AnarchistJurisdiction [9/11]

Here is a training facility for the antifa child army right across the street from my home. You know who doesn't give a shit about law and order? Toddlers. That's what makes them the perfect killing machines. #AnarchistJurisdiction [10/11]

Look, reporting these appalling scenes gives me no pleasure. But look how New York City residents like me are being besieged by the far left in our #AnarchistJurisdiction. I weep for the future. [11/11]

This is just embarrassing for my employer. Living in an #AnarchistJurisdiction is NOT FUNNY. bit.ly/2FXKOSR

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