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Fellow @amrenewctr "His passion for understanding left-wing ideology was a constant inspiration to keep digging, keep thinking, and keep pushing" -Chris Rufo

Sep 21, 2020, 5 tweets

More Hypocrisy!
@mbeisen also attacked the NumPy computer science Paper for having 26 male authors no women...

but he had no problem participating in a paper with 14 male authors and 0 women, getting credit, and putting it on his website:

@mbeisen don't virtue signal and say things you do not mean.

If you really think your career has been a failure, and that science is a flawed system...then resign. Quit wringing your hands and dithering....resign.

Don't bluff. Follow through.

The hypocrisy never ends

When I pull up one of his old papers @mbeisen wants to be let off with an admission of guilt, but when it came to the NumPy paper he says we shouldn't absolve people of their failings.

Ok, why should we absolve @mbeisen and let him keep running a LAB?

Ok....fix the problem at the level of YOUR LAB @mbeisen by resigning and giving your job to a woman. Do THAT. let's see if you are willing to follow through with your false moral posturing.

Another point of absolute dishonesty....
The NumPy paper had 26 male authors and no female authors, the paper @mbeisen participated in had 14 male authors and no female authors....but his field has WAY more women then computer science.

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