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Fellow @amrenewctr "His passion for understanding left-wing ideology was a constant inspiration to keep digging, keep thinking, and keep pushing" -Chris Rufo
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Feb 6 16 tweets 3 min read
This is, again, the countercultural idea at the heart of the critique of mass society.

This version claims the "Christofascist conservative" vision requires repressive conformity, and thus creativity can only be found by those who rebel against the culture of Christofascism. Since the 60's the political left has thought that there is a "mass society" that depends upon homogeneity and conformity in order to reproduce itself, and that the system brainwashes the masses so that they accept the repressive conformity the system demands.
Feb 3 12 tweets 2 min read
As Trump abolishes DEI departments, de-funds woke NGO's and non-profits, and removes woke activists from government, a large group of well trained political and social activists will watch their industry be destroyed, leaving them unemployed with no plausible career path... 2/
Activists, administrators, bureaucrats, and other credentialed members of the professional/institutional social justice left will be left without a job, and a resume that's only suitable for finding work in the very Social-Justice government-NGO complex Trump is shutting down
Jan 20 11 tweets 2 min read
The left is demoralized and exhausted, but they are not going away and will try to maintain their hold on cultural, education, and government institutions.

This is what happened in the 80's. Reagan won, but the left took over universities, schools, and cultural institutions. 2/
The fact that the right had won a significant political victory only made the left more desperate to take over the social institutions that make up our society.

So they went about taking over our colleges, universities, public schools, accreditation boards, and so fourth.
Jan 13 21 tweets 4 min read
The left owned our cultural institutions (Journalism, televsion, advertising, Universities, entertainment, social media, medicine, publishing, non-profits/NGO's, education, government) and used them to flood the culture with anti-trump messaging for a decade.

Trump still won.🧵 They spent a decade using a vertically integrated messaging apparatus to run anti-Trump messaging in every inch of the culture, 24/7, for a decade, while censoring, deboosting, suppressing anyone who pushed back against their extreme leftist ideas.

Trump still won.
Jan 8 10 tweets 2 min read
In 2012 a weird form of identity politics mixed with "social justice" emerged from academia and used social media to take over of journalism, the Arts and culture industry, NGO's, Non-profits, news media, and the government; and used that power to censor the rest of society.... Then, for the next decade, anybody who thought men and women are different, believed kids can't pick their gender, or judged people by character rather than race, was driven out of our societies institutions by mobs of online social activists screaming social justice slogans.
Jan 4 14 tweets 3 min read
Christianity began to recede because the plausibility of its claims had been degraded on multiple fronts by attacks from both postmodernism and secular humanism.

Part of what @jordanbpeterson has done is restore the plausibility of the Christian understanding of the world. @PaulVanderKlay has been saying that @jordanbpeterson has been excising the spirit of secular materialism from the culture.

I agree with that, but what interests me is the way Peterson has done this. It isn't by providing a point by point refutation of Dawkins style atheism...
Jan 3 7 tweets 2 min read
Gr00ming gangs, puberty blockers for kids, and men in women's sports all have one thing in common:

Our legal, medical, and media institutions covered up predatory sexual behavior and sacrificed the safety of women and children on the altar of advancing leftist political ideology Telling the truth about these things would have shattered Critical Social Justice (woke) narratives like "trans-kids," "Puberty blockers are reversible," and "all cultures are inherently equal."

So instead of telling the truth, they covered things up to protect their narrative.
Dec 26, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
Today's fight shows the coalition between tech and MAGA is uneasy.

MAGA sees HB-1 visas get abused in order to drive down wages and want to end the HB-1 visa.

Tech doesn't want to lose high level talent thinks HB-1 visa's are needed.

Here's how to thread this needle...🧵 2/
For starters, MAGA doesn't trust the government or corporations on immigration

They think open borders people will game the system by handing out HB-1 visa's like candy

This concern must be addressed. To do this, the government must:

A) stop the flood of illegal immigration
Dec 20, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
I think the left is about to have a civil war.

Left leaning institutions (universities, think tanks, NGO's, non-profits, consulting firms, and the democratic party) are staffed by woke activists who see woke political goals as moral imperatives, not mere political preferences 2/
According to woke ideology, anyone who in not actively advocating for woke social and political objectives is "complicit" in the systemic oppression of marginalized groups. On this view, a political compromise with people who oppose wokeness is like cutting a deal with Hitler.
Dec 17, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
Congress gave The National Endowment for the Arts *207,000,000*, and then told the NEA to fund projects focused on "the history of Systemic Racism"

Let's look at what the NEA did with your money.

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Congress has the power to fund agencies and tell them how to spend their funding, and Congress told the NEA to "Continue prioritizing diversity" and to prioritize increasing diversity among "NEA staff, the National Council of the Arts, Discipline Directors, and Peer Panelists" Image
Dec 16, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
Much of what @GreeneMan6 said in our debate caught me off guard. If I looked unprepared it's cause I was.

For Example, I wasn't ready for claims like:
"The people will have the opinion that the state teaches them, we are talking about how the State will create public opinion" 2/
In the moment, I wasn't prepared for that, but I think I have an answer to that now.

I do no think that State has the ability to reach into the heads of people and re-arrange their thinking. The sort of brainwashing that is implied by his claim simply won't work at scale.
Dec 12, 2024 21 tweets 9 min read
DEI has taken over The Department of Veteran Affairs.

The VA is using Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for "hiring and position and talent management," and also created a "Gender-affirming Program with Speech" to help people change sex.

How DEI captured the VA,

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In September 2021 the Department of Veterans Affairs created an Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Action plan Pursuant to E.O. 13985 on racial equity.

This action plan is the Genesis for the adoption of DEI across the entirety of the VA. Image
Dec 11, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
Last May I said when woke dies the left will pivot to old school materialist politics (IE: Class warfare, Union Politics, economics)

You can see in leftist CEO murder discourse; it's all about income inequality, poverty, access to resources

They're pivoting to class warfare 2/
As "woke" dies, Leftists will abandon the woke "oppressor/oppressed" categories (white vs black, straight vs gay, queer vs normal) and will move back to the old materialist oppressor/oppressed categories (rich vs poor, capitalist vs worker, proletariat vs bourgeois, etc).
Dec 8, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Here's a story about the role of tradition:

From 1940-1960 the British tried to teach peasants in Malawi's Shire Valley to farm. When the British taught peasants to use "ridging" to combat soil erosion, they were surprised to find Malawian Farmers saying ridging doesn't work. 2/
But there is a twist...

Because the soil in Malawi's Shire Valley is sandy, the use of Ridging leads to increased soil erosion during the rainy season, while exposing the roots of plants to white ant attacks during the dry season.

In Malawi - ridging doesn't work...
Dec 3, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
Since 2021 the National Institutes of Health has spent *$151,824,185* on Diversity and Inclusion projects.

The NIH spent $151,824,185 on DEI in just 4 years.

Let's take a look at what the NIH is doing with your money.

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NIH spent $147,023,061 on "Faculty Institutional Recruitment for Sustainable Transformation" (FIRST)

The goal of first is creating a "community of scientists committed to diversity and inclusive excellence" with the goal of attaining "research workforce diversity"Image
Nov 29, 2024 22 tweets 9 min read
In 2024 the National Institutes of Health spent *$1,873,899,133* studying racism.

OF that money, **$915,783,714** was spent studying various aspects of "systemic racism."

Let's look at what the NIH did with your money.

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The NIH approved a grant for $125,927 to study "Examining Anti-Racist Healing in Nature" Image
Nov 28, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Stop letting feminism off the hook for its role in creating Gender Ideology

TERF's may oppose gender ideology, but it was radical feminists who first brought postmodernism into American Universities and used it to deconstruct gender...and that's how Gender ideology got started Image It was radical feminists who first wanted to destroy concepts of sex differences.

In 1970 Shulamith Firestone wrote in her book "The Dialectic of Sex" that the goal of feminism should be "not just the elimination of male privilege but of the sex distinction itself."
Nov 22, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Woke isn't dead. Not even close.

The incubator of woke theories was Universities, but the incubator of the cultural expression of woke ideas was *TUMBLR*

Bluesky has the same energy, and the same mixture of academics, cultural creatives, and journalists Tumblr had in 2024... 2/
You can mock Bluesky all you want, but it has a VERY potent mixture of:

-Academics to create new woke theories
-activists to organize and develop new tactics
-bureaucrats to make institutions
-Artists to make/spread woke cultural products
-journalists to drive woke narratives
Nov 21, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
This teacher says he uses Critical Race Theory in the classroom, and anyone who doesn't want CRT in schools is racist.

So.... Let's talk about how the Department of Education spent millions of dollars putting Critical Race Theory in k-12 schools.

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Many on the left claim there is no CRT in education, but that isn't true.

Two of the founders of CRT (Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic) explain that while CRT started in law, it quickly moved into education. They even say CRT is more lively in education than it is in Law! Image
Nov 18, 2024 19 tweets 8 min read
This teacher admits she doesn't know when America was founded. She also says she doesn't teach her students the curriculum, but instead teaches about protesting anti-racism, activism, and Black Lives Matter.

So....Let's talk about the Department of Education.

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The entire education system, including the Department of Education, is full of activists, professors, teachers, and other people who thing teaching is a political act, and that Social Justice (AKA: woke ideology) should be the foundation of all learning and education.
Nov 5, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
There's a story behind the squirrel story everyone's missing.

A man had his home searched for 5 hours until officials found his pet squirrel, which they took and then killed.

The problem isn't that government broke the law, the problem is that it *didn't* break the law

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People analyze this story as an abuse of power or as government over-reach, but that's not the problem.

The problem is that everything the government did, including killing the mans pet, was LEGAL.

And that's what people find scary: the government is allowed to act that way