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Fellow @amrenewctr "His passion for understanding left-wing ideology was a constant inspiration to keep digging, keep thinking, and keep pushing" -Chris Rufo
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Jul 19 11 tweets 2 min read
DEI activism takes resources away from the mission of any company it gets a foothold in, and it uses those resources as a vehicle to spread DEI propaganda

This leaves less resources available for mission-critical tasks, leading to an increase in mistakes, errors, and failures 2/
DEI does not cause immediate catastrophic failures. Rather, what DEI and other "Woke" initiatives do is twofold:

1. Slowly drain resources from mission critical areas such that there are less resources dedicsted to accmplishing important organizational objectives

Jul 18 18 tweets 7 min read
There are two Executive orders that enabled the DEI take over the US government

These orders gave DEI activists the power to implement their ideology, and understanding how this works is key to getting woke ideology out of government

Woke takeover of government:

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The first order was signed by President Obama.
It orders the Office of Personnel Management and the Deputy and the Office of Management and Budget to establish a coordinated Government-wide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in the Federal workforce.
Jul 17 11 tweets 5 min read
The Department of Homeland Security (which oversees the secret service) says Inclusive Diversity, is one of its top priorities the "heartbeat" of DHS

@RealStevefriend is right: government hires for Diversity, not merit, and this leads to failure and incompetence.

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In 2018 Angela Bailey, the Chief Human Capital Officer at the DHS, said Inclusive Diversity was one of her highest priorities, and that she used the "inclusivity Index to measure her progress in achieving diversity.
Jul 15 23 tweets 5 min read
After the near assassination of President Trump, we need to talk about the Secret Service funding DEI programs instead of focusing on it's mission.

I'll show you what's happening, and explain the ideology behind it.

The Secret Service is ideologically captured,

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Critical Social Justice (AKA woke), the ideology behind DEI, has captured the U.S. Secret Service (USSS), and now the USSS wants to make Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion part of "every action, every day"

This makes DEI the fundamental governing framework of the Secret Service Image
Jul 14 14 tweets 4 min read

The leftist strategy manual Beautiful Trouble teaches that the goal of leftist actions is to provoke reactions that the left can take advantage of.

The attempted ass*ssin*tion of President Trump will be used in exactly this way.Image 2/
The real action is the enemies reaction is a principle of leftist agitator and organizer Saul Alinsky.

The idea is simple if you attack a target in the correct way, you can provoke them into rashly over-reacting in ways the left can take advantage of. Image
Jul 12 7 tweets 4 min read
Woke and Weaponized Government!

The Department of the Interior is pushing Gender Ideology! DOI now requires all it's departments to:

-let biological males use women's bathrooms
-Use *ze/hir/hirs, ze/zir/zirs, xe/xem/xyrs* pronouns
-develop gender transition plans

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Woke activists to work their way into posisitons of authority within institutions, make wokeness the overarching ideology of the institution (in this case the USA government), and then use the authority, prestige, resources, and power of the institution to spread woke ideology Image
Jul 11 9 tweets 2 min read
There is a social problem I am trying to figure out how to solve. I can't name it, but it revolves around a pair of observations:

1. We can't optimize society for personal and social autonomy when most people get their meaning from family and community obligations.

And.... 2. Most people are not capable of building their own place in society and designing their own social roles from scratch, so they aim for roles that already exist. (Hence the term "role model")

The "build your own social role" way of life only works for a tiny number of people...
Jul 10 14 tweets 7 min read
Woke and Weaponized government:

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), the agency in charge of public health, is totally captured by woke ideology.

NIH is putting DEI into every aspect of public health including research, funding, and hiring.

NIH goes woke,

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It is not just that the NIH is adopting some woke policy around the edges, the NIH has stated very explicitly that "diversity is our lifeblood" and that the NIH is going to make DEI a "Core Value" in everything it does.

NIH it has set up an enormous bureaucracy to fund this:

Jul 8 14 tweets 7 min read
The National Science Foundation gave 270 MILLION DOLLARS to bring Critical Social Justice/woke into science

The NSF ADVANCE program exists solely to advance Gender Equity using the Intersectionality framework of Critical Race Theory

The Woke corruption of science

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This next bit is key:

The NSF is the federal agency that funds science and engineering in the United States. Accounting for 25% of all science funding in the U.S., the NSF plays a huge role is deciding which research and which ideas get funding in science and engineering. Image
Jul 7 13 tweets 3 min read
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One way to "win" online conflicts is to make it seem like everyone agrees with you, and hates your opponemt.

This is why Groypers try to "ratio" people.

But there is a game being played here by Fuentes, and once you understand it you see how powerless he really is....🧵 2/
"Ratioing" someone is supposed to be a way of showing the opinion of person being ratio'd is genuinely unpopular. So an *ORGANIC* ratio is a genuine expression of popular sentiment.

But the "ratio's" Fuentes gets are inorganic and manufactured.

I'll explain...
Jul 7 4 tweets 2 min read
In 2012 @BillWhittle predicted and explained *WHY* a figure like Trump would emerge.

"The next [Consernative/ Republican] President is going to come from the Pop Culture...because you cannot run against your own mythology and win. When they own the mythology we will never win" Many still do not understand Tump's appeal–it's his mythology.

Think of how he was portrayed on "The Apprentice": an American success story—the guy who lost it all, and got it back and won.

Look at all America's problems todat, and you can see why Trumps Mythology is appealing.
Jul 4 11 tweets 3 min read
The Vertically Integrated Messaging Apparatus is an epistemically closed information ecosystem whose legitimacy rests on a consensus manufactured via cross promotion, circular reporting, and the elimination of any information or opinion in conflict with the approved narrative. 2/
This epistemic closure is a source of Strength for the Vertically Integrated Messaging Apparatus and also it's greatest weakness. Since the legitimacy of the system rests on excluding dissenting opinions and information, any breach in the information firewall is catastrophic.
Jun 26 13 tweets 3 min read
A common midwit take on the right says that wokeness is primarily about anti-whiteness.

This take is popular because it is simple, easy to underatand, and doesn't require any thinking...a take for the person who doesn't want to have to do any work.

It's also dead wrong... 2/
Simple stories are comforting but they are also wrong.

The anti-white racism on the left is the by-product of their ideology, not the goal of it. It's like exhaust from a car engine...it's true the engine makes exhaust, but making exhaust isn't why the engine was built...
Jun 25 37 tweets 10 min read
This week we saw:

-A drag queen in a thong stuffed with money hold a child's hand in a bar
-A kids book about "Swinging"
-A Professor say we should abolish the family
-Texas Children's Hospital doing child sex changes

Let's talk about the ideology behind all this,

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The ideology behind all this comes from combining two branches of "Social Justice" oriented academic scholarship:

1. A form of Marxist Feminism which seeks to abolish the family

2. The postmodern study of sexuality and gender called "Queer Theory"

I'll explain how it works.
Jun 17 7 tweets 2 min read
The fight over the meaning of terms like "woman" is just one front in the battle over linguistic MEANING

The woke want to control meaning and place themselves in charge of deciding how everything: words, truth, culture, even *reality itself* will be interpreted and understood 2/
The woke activists want to control meaning and sense making so they can decide which interpretations and inferences about society and reality are valid and legitimate.

They then seek to make their ideology the standard by which all interpretations and inferences are judged.
Jun 14 13 tweets 6 min read
The United States Department of Agriculture is using it's resources to teach farmers about *The Gender Unicorn,* and "pronouns in the work place."

Woke activists took over the agency in charge of the food supply and are using to to spread woke ideology.

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In 2016 USDA held a summit to celebrate Lesbian farmers.

Ashlee Davis, who ran these, said Gender Identity and expression are part of USDA policy and "When (people) hear 'rural America,' I don't want them to think that means one type of person: a white, rich male."

Jun 13 10 tweets 2 min read
I watched @jordanbpeterson and @epkaufm and I think I know why young women are the enforcers of woke orthodoxy is simple:

Childlessness creates an untapped reservoir of empathy, Hypergamy selects the ideology that determines which group/people receive that empathy... 2/
In other words, people looking to compassionate need someone to be compassionate towards. With no kids around, compassionate people (mostly women) look for people are groups to give their compassion to.

Then they outsource the selection process for who gets that compassion...
Jun 7 6 tweets 2 min read
All the lefts anti-white racism is motivated by their goal of being "counter-hegemonic"

It is not about race in and of itself. It's that the left sees white Americans (and the culture,values, and ideas they tend to hold) as hegemonic and the left opposes that hegemony. 2/
This does not absolve the left of guilt for anti-white bigotry.

The point here is, as always, that for the left "The issue is never the issue, the issue is always the revolution."

The left wants to tear down the entire edifice of western civilization and what it represents.
Jun 6 11 tweets 6 min read
Wokeness took over yet another government agency!

In 2016 the Department of Agriculture held a summit to celebrate Lesbian farmers, teach LGBTQ people how to get government money, and to ask people to stop associating farmers with white males.

The USDA is Woke

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Washington Free Beacon reports USDA held 13 of LGBTQ summits

Ashlee Davis, who ran them, said Gender Identity and expression are now part of USDA policy and that "When (people) hear 'rural America,' I don't want them to think that means one type of person: a white, rich male"
Jun 4 21 tweets 4 min read
Here is something you need to understand about woke activists:

The woke don't try to win by arguing woke views are true and views the woke disagree with are false.

They try to win by socially *DELEGITIMIZING* the people and ideas they disagree with.

Let me explain...🧵 2/
Most people think we should use reason and evidence to determine what's true

If someone disagrees with us, we engage that person in a discussion about the content/merit/evidence of their position and we try to determine who is correct.

This is not how the woke think...
May 30 26 tweets 9 min read
Dictionaries/wikipedia altering definitions and articles so leftists can win arguments

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In 7 days since the Alito flag story broke the wikipedia entry for the Pine Tree flag was edited 206 times (pic 1)

In the 8 months prior the article was edited 22 times (pic 2)
@Cernovich gives us another fine example here. Wikipedia redefining "recession" to help Democrats out, and then locking the page to make it more difficult to fix👇