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Fellow @amrenewctr "His passion for understanding left-wing ideology was a constant inspiration to keep digging, keep thinking, and keep pushing" -Chris Rufo
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Sep 9 8 tweets 2 min read
I think Critical Theory is a lot like what Robert Nozick called Normative Sociology: "The study of what the causes of things *ought* to be"

Critical Theorists analyze problems in terms of what they *want* the cause to be, rather then what the cause of that problem actually is. The result is that there are large number of errors because rather then dealing with the thing that is actually creating the problem, they end of trying to solve the problem by analyzing the thing that they were hoping was the cause of the problem.
Sep 5 7 tweets 2 min read
The attack on Winston Churchill and the revisionist WWII history is a the right wing version of the "everything is problematic" move the woke have been using for years.

It's a right wing 1619 project that wants to destroy the "Post-war consensus" by making America look bad. 2/
This is a right-wing "Critical Theory" of America's involvement in WWII.

The goal is to delegitimize the American order that emerged in the wake of WWII, and so the people doing this magnify America's mistakes during WWII and minimize the horror of what the Nazi's did.
Sep 4 9 tweets 2 min read
Darryl Cooper is to WWII what Norman Finklestein is to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Cooper buries people in historical minutia knowing the average person isn't equipped with a deep enough understanding of WWII to properly contextualize the historical points Cooper uses. 2/
The average persons understanding of WWII does not have a high enough resolution to historically locate and properly contextualize the points Cooper brings up, so they aren't properly equipped to determine the relevance, importance, or implications of the facts Cooper presents
Sep 3 23 tweets 4 min read
Critical Theory gets almost everything wrong. Here's Why:🧵

There is a certain type of argument one often hears coming from the “woke” Social Justice left (often associated with Critical Theory), which claims that quite literally everything is political. 2/
The argument is that the intellectual force of every justification depends on accepting the value structure that is assumed by whatever it is one is defending. The defense of anything relies on values pre-supposed by what one is trying to defend.
Aug 31 6 tweets 2 min read
Imagine how bewildering the world must seem to 10 year old boys:

Boys shirts are about being lazy and playing video games while Girls shirts are about being future CEO'S and leaders.

They call masculinity toxic and say boys are privileged while also saying the future is female
On the one hand if all the boys win, thats very bad cause boys winning is not fair to girls, but girls only like the boys who win.

And also, all girls winning is good, all boys winning is oppression.

How are 10 year old boys supposed to make sense of this?
Aug 11 15 tweets 3 min read
One reason Gender Ideologues hijacked our institutions is that woke activists don't understand how *LEGITIMACY* works

I'll explain:

The woke think legitimacy is a matter of power and authority: A thing is legitimate when people with power and authority say it's legitimate... 2/
As such, they think that the legitimacy of various types of medical interventions (IE: puberty blockers, mastectomies, and cross sex hormones for 15 year olds) depends entirely on whether or not the people with the power and authority in the medical system say it is.

Aug 11 6 tweets 1 min read
If you immerse yourself the various political tribes on twitter (IE: feminist, MAGA, centrist, Woke, ETC). you realize they inhabit entirely different worlds of meaning.

They don't just disagree on facts, they disagree about the MEANING of the facts, and to interpret them... It's not merely that they disagree about what the facts are, it's that even when they agree about the facts they don't agree about how to understand and interpret the facts.

They disagree about what those facts tell us, what we learn from those facts, and what those facts MEAN
Aug 7 11 tweets 3 min read
This maoist "re-education programming," and I'll show you how it works🧵

The goal of this is to say "I own you, I own your social media, I own your voice, you life will be nothing but a vessel for leftist ideology. If you refuse I will take away your ability to earn a living"
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Maoist "re-education" is a type of brainwashing which seeks to implant, instill and indoctrinate maoist/communist/leftist beliefs into the mind of the person being "re-educated"

Look at this text: the mayor refuses to tell the employee what to say. Now, let me tell you why... Image
Jul 31 9 tweets 3 min read
Woke and Weaponized Government!

America's Nuclear weapons has been placed in the hands of an organization that is captured by DEI

The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB), which oversees the U.S. nuclear weapons complex, has fully adopted DEI

Let's take a look: Image 2/
The DNFSB's DEI Strategic plan says that a commitment to DEI is Critical to their mission.

Their mission is implementation of "standards relating to the design, construction, operation, and decommissioning of defense nuclear facilities"

How does "equity" help here?
Jul 30 8 tweets 2 min read
After reading @ConceptualJames here, I deleted these tweets.

The "weird" insult is a dialectical trap. The goal of Queer Theory is to attack and subvert the very idea of *normalcy,* and bolish all social norms, expectations and standards.

They're TRYING not to be normal 2/
As @VinesMatthew explains, queer theory opposes the very idea of normalcy and the imposition of ANY social norms

The reason they call the right weird is because if the right is "weird," and the left is "queer" that means neither side is NORMAL, and thus NORMALCY is abolished
Jul 29 4 tweets 1 min read
They talk like this so they can implicitly accuse their opponents of being childish and beneath them.

Making accusations via tone, attitude, and innuendo lets them launch implicit accusations that they cannot explicitly defend.
Using sarcasm, snark, innuendo suggestion, and tone make their pointlets them launch accusations and engage in status lowering insults without having to actually state what the accusations and insults are.

This lets them make accusations without taking responsibility.
Jul 26 10 tweets 3 min read
Woke and Weaponized Government!

The U.S. Agency for Global Media, to agency responsible for government media has adopted DEI.

Let's take a look

A thread🧵 Image 2/
To begin with, The U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAMG) Believes that diversity and Inclusion are not just idealistic goals. They want to make it a part of the fabric of the organization. Image
Jul 25 26 tweets 7 min read
The @latimes ran a hit-piece on @ChoooCole

I'm going to go through the piece and explain the various strategies and tactics the author uses to smear Chloe's motives and character.

If you want to win, you need to know how the Gender Ideology smear machine works

Let's go🧵
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To understand why the piece was written you need to know who Chloe Cole is, and *WHY* they want to attack her.

@ChoooCole is an former "trans kid" who had her puberty blocked, got put on Testosterone, and had her breasts removed when she was 15. She tells the full story here👇
Jul 24 13 tweets 5 min read
Woke and Weaponized Government!

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the agency that handles nuclear reactors and radioactive waste) has an Affirmative Action hiring program based on DEI.

DEI is taking over the agency in charge of dealing with radioactive waste.

A thread🧵 Image 2/
The Office of Small Business and Civil Rights is in charge of the NRC's DEI program.

According to the NRC's own website, the implementation of DEI practices has been going on in some from or another for a long time. Image
Jul 24 14 tweets 3 min read
The leftist support of illegal immigration is not random, it is an attack on the western idea of *citizenship*

America is comprised of CITIZENS. It is CITIZENS who get to participate in the democratic process, and are entrusted with stewarding the American Republic. 2/
Who determines the future of America?

-Not "shareholders"
-Not "stakeholders"
-Not "residents"

It is Citizens and *ONLY* Citizens who get to determine the direction and future of America by voting and electing the people who make laws and execute the governments duties...
Jul 23 8 tweets 3 min read
Woke and Weaponized Bureaucracy!!!

The U.S. General Services Administration, which supports the basic functioning of federal agencies by supplying things like office space and transportation, has adopted DEI policies.

The Hijacking of Government by DEI

A Thread🧵 Image 2/
The GSA's Job is supposed to be "to provide stewardship of the way the government uses and provides real estate, acquisition services, and technology"

However they have decided to make "environmental Justice," "economic justice," and "Advancing Equity" part of their mission
Jul 22 11 tweets 3 min read
Of all the stories I've heard of people hitting their "woke breaking point" @elonmusk's may be the most heartbreaking

He was tricked into going along with trans ideology, and in doing so lost his son to woke ideology

You can feel his pain as he speaks
I can't imagine what it is like for @elonmusk....the pain must be unbearable. I can't put myself in his shoes.

But I do want to give him some encouragement, to let him know that his purchasing of X and his social activism has been effective.

So, here goes....
Jul 19 11 tweets 2 min read
DEI activism takes resources away from the mission of any company it gets a foothold in, and it uses those resources as a vehicle to spread DEI propaganda

This leaves less resources available for mission-critical tasks, leading to an increase in mistakes, errors, and failures 2/
DEI does not cause immediate catastrophic failures. Rather, what DEI and other "Woke" initiatives do is twofold:

1. Slowly drain resources from mission critical areas such that there are less resources dedicsted to accmplishing important organizational objectives

Jul 18 18 tweets 7 min read
There are two Executive orders that enabled the DEI take over the US government

These orders gave DEI activists the power to implement their ideology, and understanding how this works is key to getting woke ideology out of government

Woke takeover of government:

A Thread🧵
The first order was signed by President Obama.
It orders the Office of Personnel Management and the Deputy and the Office of Management and Budget to establish a coordinated Government-wide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in the Federal workforce.
Jul 17 11 tweets 5 min read
The Department of Homeland Security (which oversees the secret service) says Inclusive Diversity, is one of its top priorities the "heartbeat" of DHS

@RealStevefriend is right: government hires for Diversity, not merit, and this leads to failure and incompetence.

A Thread🧵

In 2018 Angela Bailey, the Chief Human Capital Officer at the DHS, said Inclusive Diversity was one of her highest priorities, and that she used the "inclusivity Index to measure her progress in achieving diversity.
Jul 15 23 tweets 5 min read
After the near assassination of President Trump, we need to talk about the Secret Service funding DEI programs instead of focusing on it's mission.

I'll show you what's happening, and explain the ideology behind it.

The Secret Service is ideologically captured,

A Thread🧵 2/
Critical Social Justice (AKA woke), the ideology behind DEI, has captured the U.S. Secret Service (USSS), and now the USSS wants to make Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion part of "every action, every day"

This makes DEI the fundamental governing framework of the Secret Service Image