Stephen Woroniecki Profile picture
Social science of climate change & biodiversity @wwtworldwide. Fellow @IPBES Transformative Change Prev: @LiU_EnvChange, assoc @NatureBasedSols. 🇸🇪🇬🇧

Sep 22, 2020, 5 tweets

"Market based solutions dominate policy proposals but remain consisently marginal to actually addressing the problems" says @FoleyPfalzgraf, as part of her careful and revealing #POLLEN20 pres:

""Fixing" the Forest in Vanuatu" #carbon #offsetting

Foley places a carbon offsetting scheme in Vanuatu as part of a history marked by colonialism, deforestation and depopulation

Foley notes that since the introduction of customry forest management, deforestation has been reduced to virtually zero. Despite having zero responsibility for global emissions, Vanuatu's leaders have turned to tree growing as a mitigation strategy..

The Nakau offsetting project on the island of Espiritu Santuwas the 1st indigenous-owned carbon forestry project in the Pacific.

This presentation illuminates how a forest becomes 'fixed' as a commodity legible to a global market, with effects on local people and ecosystems.. For example, how customary land tenure is devalued and seen as a barrier to commodification of carbon offsets

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