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Jun 8th 2023
@ir_rkp #Korsakov @MikaLintila
#Gasgrid. #LNG alus ei tuota #kaasua, vaan varastoi #Venäjä'n, aiemmin #Baltiasta ostettua, n. 3x hintaan.
- 10v. ajalta terminaalin kokonaiskustannuksiksi arvioidaan noin €460 miljoona, eli noin €126 000 päivässä
@ir_rkp @MikaLintila @valtionomistus #GreatReset=#SuurTyöttömyys-#Hätätila
#WEF-#Marxist -ideologia lahtaa yritykset #kaasu'lla. @valtionomistus
#Gasgrid Imatra #Räikkölä vs. #Korsakov
- Korsakov on satamakaupunki ja piirikunta #Sahalini'n saaren eteläpäässä Venäjän  Sahalinin alueella. 
@ir_rkp @MikaLintila @valtionomistus #Uniper-#Gasgrid #skandaali.
#YGLs veijarit keksivät roudata kaasun #Räikkölä'n sijasta näin. @TyttiTup
#Prigorodnoje'n satama 10km #Korsakovi'n itäpuolella on #LNG'n vientiin erikoistunut satama
From: Port of #Korsakov
To: Port of #Gibraltar (->#Inkoo)
Read 19 tweets
Jun 8th 2023
A disparate cluster of interests -some venal, some ideological, some quasi-religious- have found common expression in the issue of #Climate™️. Too much, intellectually, financially, emotionally, politically has been sunk into it to allow for honest discussion.
Even minor scepticism or attempts at technical or economic discussion start by begging the question of whether ANY of this game is worth the candle; all include the Insh’allah of “...while climate change is accelerated and we must (!) address the problem at once...”
If we start from the false premise that the threat is both pressing and existential, then obviously we narrow the choice to a menu of ‘solutions’ which involve vast expenditure, radical social upheaval, and severe limitations on personal liberty.
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Jun 4th 2023
@SRLucie92 @elonmusk @EU_Commission @kokoomus @vihreat @sfprkp @persut #AliBaba & #WorldBank & #IMF and 40 world wealthiest #thieves.
- Who collects all the world's #CarbonTaxes in their own #coffers?
- The World Bank - IMF is owned and controlled by NM #Rothschild and 30 to 40 of the wealthiest people in the world.
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May 25th 2023

“Keeping tree diversity intact in Canada's many forests over the long term can help increase carbon capture & mitigate climate change,” according to a new University of Alberta study.
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The study, published in @Nature, “is the first of its kind to show the sustained benefits of tree diversity on a large spatial scale, in terms of #storing #carbon and nitrogen in the soil. It reinforces the importance of biodiversity conservation in forests.”
The researchers analyzed “Canada's National Forest Inventory database & used statistical modeling to provide new evidence of a link between greater tree diversity & higher soil C & N accumulation in natural forest ecosystems over decadal time scales.”
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May 15th 2023
"In March 2023 the #Forest #Conservation Amendment bill was plaed before the LokSabha. Ms Prakriti Srivastava,IFS (PCCF #Kerala) & I jointly wrote a submission to the Joint Parliamentary Committee, link provided at the end of the (long) thread. 1/n
highlighting the imp pts:
Fundamental changes in the proposed bill:
a)Limits the scope & ambit of the original FCA (1980), removing crucial safeguards from a vast majority of India's #biodiverse rich #forests, thereby opens the floodgates for diversion for other uses
b) Undoes many provisions of the existing #ForestConservationAct; c) dilutes the 202/1996 #SupremeCourt ‘Godavarman’ #judgement, overturns its #conservation gains
(d) facilitates privatisation of forests to create plantations
e) shifts focus from conservation of forests to 3/n
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May 9th 2023

"One of the planet’s most vital #CarbonSinks i.e. SOUTHERN OCEAN (SO) (absorbs ~40% of C) is revealing its secrets as tiny organisms in the SO play an outsized role in moderating Earth’s #climate."

Details from the recent research are discussed in a🧵⬇️
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"Based on 107 independent observations of the seasonal cycle from 63 #biogeochemical profiling floats, new study conducted by scientists from #NOAA & University of Hawai'i provide the basin-scale estimate of distinct biogenic #CarbonPool production at Southern Ocean."
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Researchers find "significant meridional variability with enhanced #ParticulateOrganicCarbon production in the subantarctic & polar Antarctic sectors & enhanced #DissolvedOrganicCarbon production in the subtropical & sea-ice-dominated sectors."
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May 9th 2023

"One of the planet’s most vital #CarbonSinks i.e. SOUTHERN OCEAN (SO) (absorbs ~40% of C) is revealing its secrets as tiny organisms in the SO play an outsized role in moderating Earth’s #climate."

Details from the recent research are discussed in a🧵⬇️
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"Based on 107 independent observations of the seasonal cycle from 63 #biogeochemical profiling floats, new study conducted by scientists from #NOAA & University of Hawai'i provide the basin-scale estimate of distinct biogenic #CarbonPool production at Southern Ocean."
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Researchers find "significant meridional variability with enhanced #ParticulateOrganicCarbon production in the subantarctic & polar Antarctic sectors & enhanced #DissolvedOrganicCarbon production in the subtropical & sea-ice-dominated sectors."
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May 8th 2023
"Six models are used in a recent study to analyze the climatic, environmental & socio-economic consequences of #overshooting a C budget consistent with the 1.5°C temp target along the cause-effect chain from emissions & #CarbonRemovals to climate risks & impact."
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"Global climatic indicators such as CO2-concentration and mean temperature closely follow the #CarbonBudget #overshoot with mid-century peaks of 50 ppmv and 0.35°C, respectively."
Findings of this study highlight that "investigating #overshoot scenarios requires temporally and spatially differentiated analysis of climate, environmental and socioeconomic systems."
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May 7th 2023

🌲"#Sequestering C in forest ecosystems is important for mitigating #ClimateChange."

✍️"Policy concern: whether forests should be left unharvested to reduce CO2 #emissions & store C, or harvested to take advantage of potential #CarbonStorage & #removal."

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So, new study addressed this issue "by examining C rotation ages that consider commercial timber and C values. A discrete-time optimal rotation age model is developed that uses data on C #fluxes stored in living & dead biomass as opposed to C as a function of timber growth."
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"Carbon is allocated to several ecosystem and post-harvest product pools that decay over time at different rates. In addition, the timing of #CarbonFluxes is taken into account by weighting future carbon fluxes as less important than current ones."
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Apr 29th 2023

"The recent review article discusses the basic operation of the marine #CarbonCycle & 2 #mCDR methods that are "thought to offer the greatest potential in terms of #CDR mass:

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Various conclusions were drawn in the review which are enlisted below:

1️⃣ "The alkalinity of the ocean creates a massive increase in the ocean’s capacity to #store #carbon, relative to a scenario without #OceanAlkalinity."
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2️⃣ "Ocean warming causes decreases in both #CO2 #solubility and the Revelle factor (B), which make the ocean less efficient at #absorbing CO2."
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Apr 28th 2023

📝 "The N-doped #carbon material is one of the most efficient #adsorption materials in the field of carbon capture." So, in a recent study a series of N-doped #biochars were successfully prepared by a facile solvent-free method.

Details in a 🧵below ⬇️

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Among all N-doped biochars, "the #biochar prepared with corncob🌽 powder, K2CO3 & urea at 800°C showed highest #adsorption ability (5.69 mmol/g at 0°C & 1 bar) & selectivity (38.24 at CO2/N2 = 10/90). The biochar also showed excellent thermal stability & cycle performance."
"Notable, correlation analysis showed that ultra-micropores were the decisive factor for #CO2 #adsorption at low temperatures; nevertheless, the effect of N-doping would gradually appear with the increase of adsorption temperature."
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Apr 28th 2023
“When I am asked by a concerned citizen about those ‘wretched’ #cows and whatever else, I say, 'well hold on, before you criticise my cows [..]: we are the custodians of the nation’s #carbon. How much carbon do you manage?' And there is a silence"…
“if we were to convert the whole farm into multispecies swards [we] could be net zero today without adjusting stocking density [but while] cattle &sheep production can be beyond carbon neutral, current policy frameworks in Europe only measure what farms emit, not what they store" Image
"measurements of tonnes of carbon per hectare on Dowth show that hedges have 50% greater carbon density than woodlands [..] the hedgerows on Dowth are sequestering roughly 665 tonnes a year [..] But at the moment, Irish hedge rows are not in the national inventory"
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Apr 24th 2023
📝💡 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬💡📝
Here's is your roundup of top #CarbonDioxideRemoval News Articles / Scientific Papers from the past week: 🌱🪨🎛️🌊

1️⃣ @ebbcarbon raises $20 million Series A, "the largest #investment in ocean-based #CarbonRemoval technology to date." 🌊

2️⃣ @running_tide announced its initial Framework Protocol for #OceanCarbonRemoval. "This is the first carbon removal project utilizing a “fast-to-slow” framework for carbon removal accounting." 🌊

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Apr 22nd 2023
@EU_Commission It's #Climate - The #FourSeasons nothing else.
#CO2 0.04% #carbondioxide, have never affected the earth's #Temperature, at least since 600 million years. #Atmosphere of Earth… Image
@EU_Commission Global #Temperature and Atmospheric #CO2 over Geologic Time - Late #Carboniferous to Early #Permian time (315-270 M yrs ago) is the only time period in the last 600 million years when both atmospheric #CO2 and #temperatures were as LOW as they are today
@EU_Commission #PragerUniversity is a 5013 non-profit conservative digital media organization. PragerU@prageru:
- What They Haven't Told You about #ClimateChange

- #Climate - The only constant is change Image
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Apr 18th 2023

"The energy-intensive nature of CO2 absorption-desorption processes has restricted deployment of #DAC operations. So, catalytic solvent regeneration is a valid solution to tackle this case by accelerating CO2 desorption at lower regeneration temperatures."
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The new work reports "a one-step synthesis methodology to prepare monodispersed #carbon nanospheres (MCSs) using trisodium citrate as a structure-directing agent with acidic sites."
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"The assembly of citrate groups on the surface of MCSs enables consistent spherical growth morphology, reduces agglomeration & enhances H2O dispersibility. The functionalization-assisted synthesis produces uniform hydrophilic nanospheres of 100–600nm range."
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Apr 16th 2023
#Hydrogen, a green energy carrier, is one of the most promising energy sources. However, it is currently mainly produced from depleting #FossilFuels with high #carbon emissions, which has serious -ve effects on the economy and environment. 
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To address this issue, sustainable hydrogen production from bio-energy with #carbon capture and #storage (#HyBECCS) is an ideal technology to reduce global carbon emissions while meeting energy demand. 
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So, a recent review presents an overview of "the latest progress in alkaline thermal treatment (#ATT) of #biomass for #hydrogen production with #carbon storage, mainly focusing on the technical characteristics & related challenges from an industrial application perspective."
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Apr 12th 2023
Scientists have mapped the biggest cumulative logjam, covering about 20 square miles of a delta high in the Canadian Arctic. And, it turns out, it stores A LOT of #carbon.… 1/10
Rivers and deltas throughout the #Arctic collect driftwood for hundreds of years. Because it’s so cold, centuries-old trunks are often preserved in pristine condition, indiscernible from a tree that fell a decade ago.… 2/10
All those trees are storing carbon, just like their living relatives. And although scientists know these large, woody deposits are all over the Arctic, they don’t know much about how big they actually are. 3/10
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Apr 4th 2023
A new study published in @ConservationSP reveals 3.9M hectares of converted land in 🇨🇦 that—if restored—benefit biodiversity & climate. The study comes at a pivotal time as Cdn govt committed to #30x30 restoration targets at #COP15 🌎… Marshland forest in Ontario
“Our restoration analysis provides decision makers and funders with a critical part of the information necessary to set a national restoration target, which is a crucial step to implement the international targets that Canada has agreed to.” — @JDMSnider
“It also highlights areas where restoration could be considered at regional/local scales. Key to moving forward will be ensuring goals & plans for implementation are co-developed with the consent of Indigenous & local communities in ways that reflect their priorities & knowledge” Map of optimal areas for restoration
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Mar 29th 2023
How much has each country contributed to climate change through historical #emissions of #carbon dioxide, #methane and nitrous oxide?

Today, our new 'living' dataset for tracking national contributions to #warming is published in @ScientificData @Peters_Glen @robbie_andrew @JoGuetschow @PFriedling @cleque
@ScientificData We provide estimates of the #warming caused by historical #emissions of #CO2, #CH4 and #N2O by 226 countries, for every year since 1850.

National warming contributions are further split into #fossil or #land use, land use change and #forestry (LULUCF) sources. @Peters_Glen @robbie_andrew @JoGuetschow @PFriedling @cleque
@ScientificData The top contributors to #warming up to 2021, through #emissions of all three gases since 1850, were:

USA: 0.28°C / 17% of the warming caused by all global emissions
China: 0.20°C / 12%
Russia: 0.10°C / 6%
Brazil & India: 0.08°C / 5%
🇮🇩 , 🇩🇪 , 🇬🇧 , 🇯🇵 , 🇨🇦 : 0.03-0.05°C each @Peters_Glen @robbie_andrew @JoGuetschow @PFriedling @cleque
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Mar 27th 2023
Very proud of this team effort "A regional integrated assessment of the impacts of #climatechange and of the potential #adaptation avenues for #Quebec’s #forests" is now published

A (very long) thread. Buckle up!…

@cflscf @NRCan

First, I would like to acknowledge the work of all my colleagues including Jesus, Annie Claude, Yves, @mariehbrice, @DominicCyr, Louis, Daniel, @GauthierSylvie9 , Pierre, @Guillemette_L , Mathieu, Maryse, Tadeusz, Martin-Hugues, @ethiffault , @Tremblay_Jun and Stephen
Quebec’s #forests goes from northern hardwood with sugar #maple, beech, hemlock in the south, to pure boreal black #spruce forests up north. Natural #disturbances, go from single-tree windthrow or mortality in the south, to large stand-replacing #fires in the north.
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Mar 21st 2023
Tuesday Top Crypto News.

Everything you need to know in one short thread…
According to the Wall Street Journal (#WSJ) Coinbase Global (#COIN) told clients on Monday it’s no longer supporting #Signet, the real-time payments network of failed #SignatureBank.
The #Crypto #Fear and #Greed Index has hit its highest index score this year, reaching levels not seen since #Bitcoin posted its all-time high in November 2021.
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Mar 4th 2023
Who is blaming #cows 🐄 for #carbon?

We should be blaming 🚗 ✈️ 🚤 🛻 🚀 ⚡️ 🏭 and manufacturing--not cows munching grass!

It's illogical and ridiculous!

We had ruminating animals #grazing Earth for millions of years before cars, airplanes and factories!
Grass itself "captures carbon" and puts it back in the ground!…
As "carnivores" it's time to re-educate the vegan 🌱 community about nature!

Plants and grasses "inhale" CO2 and "exhale" oxygen.

Cows help fertilize and create grass!

To think otherwise is a special kind of ignorance about nature, farming and science!
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Feb 26th 2023
Looking for an easy and economical way to reduce your household's carbon footprint?

Check out these alternative energy options that you can easily implement at home! 🧵⤵️

#solarenergy #windpower #geothermal #bioenergy #hydroenergy #carbonfootprint Looking for an easy and economical way to reduce your househ
1/ Solar power is one of the most popular alternative #energy options for households.

It's easy to install and maintain, and can significantly reduce your electricity bills. #solarenergy #gogreen ⤵️
2/ Wind power is another great #alternativeenergy option for households.

Small-scale #windturbines can be installed on your property and generate #electricity for your home. #windpower #cleanenergy ⤵️
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