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Sep 22, 2020, 11 tweets

Trump rallies don’t allow outside signs anymore. These “fill the seat” signs were handed out by the campaign 3 days after Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death.

A sea of MAGA hats kinda looks like...

They say that racism will go away when the older generation dies off...

Imagine thinking MAGA masks are a good campaign giveaway when 200,000+ have died from #COVID19 under your watch.

Another “Fill That Seat” sign. This time in red.

After rejecting mailing masks to all US homes in April, Trump passed out masks to a crowd at his Swanson, Ohio rally.

Trump had high school football players recite the Pledge of Allegiance. These were the same players who recently got in trouble for running with police flags onto the football field after being told not to. So much for #sticktosports.

Trump brought the players up to the stage and thanked them for what they did. His entire campaign is founded on anti-Blackness and white supremacy.

Trump supporters have begun chanting “we love you” at his campaign rallies.

Trump, sounding like a true dictator, praises the “we love you” chants.

At last nights rally, Trump downplayed #COVID19 citing a low death rate among young people. Trump said, “take your hat off to the young” and pushed, “everybody, open your schools.”

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