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Sep 22, 2020, 6 tweets

.@CollinsforGA has a history of prioritizing his Washington political allies over Georgian families. As we launch our new website, here's a collection of times he put special interests before Georgians' health care. #DCDoug #gasen #gapol

#DCDoug has repeatedly gone out of his way to call for an end to the Affordable Care Act, which would stop critical protections for 1.8 million people with pre-existing conditions.

#DCDoug doesn't even support repealing and replacing it. He is fine with kicking nearly half a million people off of their insurance, and putting nothing in place to prevent their financial ruin.

#DCDoug has criticized the provisions in the law that allow Americans 26 and under to remain on their parents’ health insurance.

And #DCDoug even attacked the Medicaid expansion provision of the health care law that would provide health care to nearly 500,000 Georgians in the middle of a pandemic, saying “we cannot do that” in Georgia.

Georgians deserve someone who won't play politics with their health, and who won't throw them under the bus to please their rich donors. They deserve someone better than #DCDoug.

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