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Misfit | Not on gov time or tax payers $. As of November 19th 2022, I am Still blocked by Donald J Trump, since 2018. salty asshole

Sep 23, 2020, 6 tweets

Trump's rally tonight is bonkers.
Here is a thread:
This clips has everything:
- Tuna cans
- Spou cans
- A president advertising Goya and Bumble bee
- Tuna can baseball pitch
- cops dodging tuna cans
- Boasting about my homie @AliVelshi getting assaulted.

2/ trumps bonkers rally tonight:
- This one is all about @AliVelshi, a member of the press, getting hit.
- Trump said he will try the shaved head one day maybe

3/Which porn p0rn plot is this? or is it the aristocrats?

4/ trump is still making fun of the press getting assaulted by his @DHS_Wolf bruh goons

I want this motherfucker to be treated like shit in federal prison.

OMFG. Trump asks a candidate for congress to come on stage.
Dude walks in the middle of a mask-less crowd, gets on stage, shakes hands and hugs everyone.


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