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Sep 23, 2020, 7 tweets

Live today: Watch the second event of our free WIRED25 celebration!

Starting at 12 pm ET, we're hosting virtual discussions with innovators who are working to create a saner, safer, more just, and habitable world. Here are some of today’s speakers 1/ wired.trib.al/mRQN73t

Rappler CEO and executive editor @mariaressa in conversation with @StevenLevy

Register here to watch 2/ wired.trib.al/mRQN73t

Nextdoor CEO Sarah Friar (@thefriley) in conversation with @LaurenGoode 3/ wired.trib.al/mRQN73t

Backstage Capital founder and managing partner Arlan Hamilton (@ArlanWasHere) and The Engine CEO Katie Rae (@ktrae) in conversation with @pardesoteric 4/ wired.trib.al/mRQN73t

Microplastic researchers Dr. Deonie Allen and Dr. Steve Allen and global change ecologist Dr. Isla Myers-Smith (@IslaHMS) in conversation with @mrMattSimon 5/ wired.trib.al/mRQN73t

Ford Foundation tech fellow and CryptoHarlem founder Matt Mitchell (@geminiimatt) in conversation with @sidneyfussell 6/ wired.trib.al/mRQN73t

Reminder: The event is free! You can see the full schedule and register to watch here: 7/ wired.trib.al/mRQN73t

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