Christopher Bouzy ( Profile picture
When I was 9, I started coding on a Mattel Aquarius computer. I developed several products in my 20s & 30s, and then in 2018, I launched Bot Sentinel.

Sep 23, 2020, 9 tweets

Yesterday I tweeted a photo of Ryan Knight's GoFundMe for his dog, and some of you were puzzled as to why I tweeted it. First off, Ryan Knight comes from a wealthy family, and he is not what you would consider middle class. So I was perplexed when I learned about the GoFundMe...

Ryan & his partner live in a home valued at $1.5 million. That is not considered expensive for where they live, but it’s not cheap either. Several months before the GoFundMe Ryan & his partner took a trip to Hawaii, and several months after, they took another trip to Hawaii...

Taking multiple vacations within a year isn’t a crime, but you would assume someone fortunate enough to take multiple vacations would be able to pay their vet bills. I also found it strange they were asking for donations days before Christmas. Then I noticed something odd...

Before the GoFundMe, Ryan occasionally tweeted about his dogs, especially Rugby, and then after the GoFundMe he tweeted several times about Rugby and then he stopped. When his followers were no longer paying attention Rugby just vanished...

More here:…

Here is my point; during that time, Ryan was getting paid thousands per month to tweet about Democratic candidates. He lives in a nice home, takes regular vacations, and has a wealthy family. Why would he need to raise $8000 to pay his vet bill? No credit cards? No small loan?...

Ryan is a grifter looking for his next grift. The problem is, his next grift is trying to persuade people not to vote for Biden after he spent months promoting Democratic candidates for money. Ryan can vote for a ham sandwich for all I care, but he is influencing others...

If Ryan can convince some of his followers not to vote for Biden, and those followers can convince just 2 people, and those people can convince 2 people...and so on, that can make a difference in states where it will be extremely close. We witnessed it in 2016...

So no, I am not attacking Ryan. I am making people aware of him selling his support to the highest bidder. You don’t go from voting for Hillary, to being a Resister, to being paid to be Progressive, to becoming a socialist, to voting 3rd party in 4 years. That is not evolution...

In closing, trust but verify. Don’t take my word, or anyone else’s word for that matter. You must be vigilant and DYOR. Actions speak louder than words, and can you honestly say Ryan’s actions are anywhere near normal? If it doesn’t fit, it isn’t legit.

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