Shannon Fiume Profile picture
👩🏻‍🔬Founder helping to achieve 0ºC of 1720-1800 @ 2100. (she/elle) NetZero ASAP by emissions reductions 1st.

Sep 23, 2020, 22 tweets

1/ I took a look at the poll data taken 09/8-09/9 2020, just as the epic smoke started to hit the entire West Coast.

(West Coast NOAA Data 9/9)

2/ The details of the poll are fascinating! There's actually a majority to 60-70% majority for many pro-climate topics. Remember, this poll was taken as the smoke started to hit the entire West Coast. I'm not sure how many west coast ppl were participants.

3/ Question 11 is a beauty!

See page 45! Majority support to supermajority support for GND, decarbonizing the grid by 2035.

4/ Paris passes supermajority of popular vote!

5/ 50% support for Paris Agreement, would need to convert 12% unsure for a solid majority.

6/ Only 16% think Climate change has no effect,
9% is unsure of CC's effect.

7/ 70% agree congress should be doing more to act on climate!

8/ 76% think corps should do more for the climate.

9/ Wow, climate change is hot! 😍
84% and over for individual volunteers and 80% for donations.

10/ 65% Public support for decarbonizing the grid by 2035! More if we catch the swings.

11/ Looking at climate justice, 74% feel racism is an actionable priority for congress.

12/ 70% personally responsible to help address climate change!!!!!!
76% feel they should do more to address climate change.

13/ 1 in 5 is a first-time presidential election voter.

14/ 68% are worried about climate change.



17/ 65% want a bill to address climate change.


19/ Despite the right media pushing anti-climate stance, a narrow majority of republicans support gov to address climate change.


21/ Majority support for economic stimulus for clean power.

22/ Climate questions, see pages 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57.

Looks like there is much more public support for acting on climate. Given we have 10-15 critical years to 450ppm, we'll need the boldest of actions to globally get on track to net-zero.

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