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🇮🇹 🤌 🇵🇱 🇮🇪 I'm a freelance writer and truth-seeker, who covers politics, history, traditional cultures, and ancient mysteries. Proud Ellis🗽Island roots

Sep 24, 2020, 11 tweets

In 2012, a 12-year-old American schoolgirl doing research on her family history stumbled on an incredible discovery previously known to very few.

All US Presidents except one are descended from medieval King John Lackland & the Royal House of Plantagenet that once ruled England.

Almost every American President can trace their lineage directly back to this Royal House which ruled England from the 12th to 15th century (when they lost power to the Tudor Kings).

Is this merely a coincidence or just more evidence that the world is ruled by elite bloodlines?

A few researchers had already determined that at least 25 American Presidents were related to the Plantagenets but this girl's research stunned many by revealing that all but one we're members of this elite bloodline.

The Plantagenets were a Norman family so their bloodline was not limited to England alone but spanned across the entire British Isles.

This explains how an Irish Catholic like JFK could share the same lineage as these other, largely WASP men.

The only American President not descended from the Plantagenet line was Martin Van Buren who served from 1837-41).

It is rumored though that, although not directly descended from this bloodline, Van Buren was still related to it (through marriage or distantly perhaps).

The Plantagenets ruled England until being disposed of power in the War of the Roses.

Could it be that America was a consolation prize of sorts which was given to this family and its descendants to rule over?

The bloodline elites often divide up their territory like this.

Not only is current President Donald Trump a part of this Plantagenet line (along with his 2016 rival Hillary Clinton!) but is even descended from Rurik, the great king of the Vikings and founder of Rus (modern Russia).

Going back further in recent times, genealogy has revealed that Barak Obama, W Bush, John Kerry, and even Dick Cheney are related to each other.

Despite the ruse of democracy, America seems no different than a monarchy. So many people walk around in ignorance of these facts.

We live in a world which increasingly fosters the illusion of egalitarianism on us.

Yet, when the veil is lifted, we see that those who rule over us have no such illusions.

They rule through blood and exalt others to power as celebrities and idols based on that principle alone

Is egalitarianism then nothing more than a mask to weaken our society so as to allow those at the top even greater control over our lives than they already have with even less accountability?!

Articles on almost every American President being related to the Plantagenet Kings:…………

The world is ruled by blood, secrecy, and deception!

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