Blacky Chan 🏁🐍 Profile picture
tormentor of racists

Sep 25, 2020, 19 tweets

Arbor Lodge Park

Somebody rambling on the mic under a cloudy moon. Not many people here. There's almost as many press and motorcade as protesters.

They blowing bubbles.

There's a speaker at PPA talking about how the revolution is being white washed by both so-called leaders who condemn violent action, and those who blame radical action on a white fringe element.

Dude that drives the dope Charger is on the mic talking about how he was arrested the last time he was here (at the PPA).

Says he has 10 to 15 tickets from this.

Ohhh... Activist John is back from Salt Lake City.

I wonder if he be flying back and forth or driving... 🤔

Richard is on the mic talking shit about Joe Biden and the liberals sitting on their ass. Bless his heart.

A guy in the crowd wears a BLM cape. Better photographers than myself take notice.

A Black woman hops on the mic. Talks about being tired of being depressed and tired. Says she's bothered that the crowd shrunk so much.

@MariahMacaronio asked white passing ppl to stay off the mic, thanked people for showing up, disparaged those who only come out when it's trending and...

Say Her Name!

Dmitri of is really out here on the regular. Daytime events with kids and nighttime events with gas. Much respect to the consistency.

LRAD making threats. Says not to throw rocks at the building... 'Quit Your Job' chants break out.

Random white man jumps on the mic and says nothing.

Activist John hops on a megaphone and chants 1-2-3-4,5-6-7-8-9-10-11 fuck 12.

Ashanti bangs slaps on the corner.

MedicBloc stays ready.

The crowd lets a semi through on Lombard, he honks his horn supportively as he goes by.

Cops just gave a dispersal warning over this.

Here they come.

🎵 Mr Officerrrrrr...

Just a gang of chuds with badges, taking pictures of graffiti and burn marks with a 30 man detail.

A white man throws marigolds at the police. When an officer says something, he quickly yells back, "They're flowers, dude." 🤣

#PlantBloc! @PlantBloc!

A parade of cars go by honking for BLM.

A long line of protesters tells police to quit their jobs and further curse Brent Taylor as an individual.

The police leave but the graffiti and burn marks remain.

I am out of North Portland.

Note: Accident on I-84 East.

Travel safely.

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