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Full Time Federer Fan | Part Time Journalist | Recipient of Ramnath Goenka & Lorenzo Natali Media Prize, among others | ✍️: LA Times, Al Jazeera, PARI, Wired

Sep 25, 2020, 8 tweets

"Modi sarkar, Murdabad."

Farmers in different corners of Maharashtra are protesting the #FarmBills2020.

This, in Nandurbar.

Farmers are protesting the best thing that could've happened to them. Apparently, everybody knows more about farming than farmers themselves.

This, in Solapur.

In Nanded, farmers are symbolically burning the #FarmBills2020.

Rasta Roko in Beed.

Ajit Navale, who organised the landmark Kisan Long March from Nasik to Mumbai, says 21 districts of Maharashtra have seen protests against #FarmBills2020. Across India, 208 organizations have taken to streets, led by the Kisan Sabha.



Ajit Navale says the Kisan Sabha mobilized 50,000 farmers across 21 districts of Maharashtra. Not a tepid response at all.

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