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Sep 25, 2020, 12 tweets


Low back pain is pain, muscle tension, or stiffness localized around ur lower back, with/without sciatica

Causes include:
1. Falls
2. Poor lifting & manual handling
3. Over reaching
4. Wrong twisting
5. Sedentary job/Prolonged sitting

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Other causes of lower back pain includes;

-Obesity n overweight
-Extreme height
-Extreme physical job
-Poor fashion choice
-Poor posture

Medical causes include:
-Slip disc
- Athritis and Sciatica.

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Symptoms of lower back pain

Symptoms could range from mild dull aches, to sharp stabbing pains.

-Muscle spasms
-Shooting or stabbing pain in your back, going into one or both legs.

If pains persist more than 72hrs, pls go for a check up

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Simple self help tips that can help alleviate lower back pain

-Physical exercises & stretches:
These often releases d tension & aches. Its not easy to start, but start

-Avoid sitting for long hours:
Take breaks, stand up, walk around, stretch doz legs. Legs r for walking 🚶‍♂️

-Avoid slouching -Sit upright:
It is important to maintain good body posture while sitting, standing or doing anything. Slouching (when u slide into a comfortable position), gives a temporary relief but a long term bach ache.

-Reduce smoking: studies have linked it to back pain

- Avoid heavy lifting. Unsafe and improper techniques can cause back strain, so it’s best to avoid any heavy lifting if you are suffering from back pain.

- Exercise: You don't need a gym for this. Climb the stairs, take a walk, stroll, stop streets before ur house & take a walk.

-Swimmimg: this allows you to stretch all your joints, and also massages the whole of your body.

-Avoid sleeping on one side all night:
Change your sleeping position. This time, face the door and not the windows.

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-Throw that high heel away: I know u won't agree, but pls do. Flat shoes and trainers will help prevent back aches.

-Reduce your weight: this can not be over emphasised. Try working on having the weight for ur height.


-Go for check up: routine checks can help detect early osteoarthritis and Sciatica, and early treatment begins.

Take your medications: ensure to take your prescribed medications, but don't get addicted to them.

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Below is a list of jobs that can ultimately lead to lower back pain;

Nurses & healthcare workers
Bus and cab drivers
Warehouse workers
Construction workers
Office personnel
Farmers & Cleaners

You can suggest more🤷🏽‍♂️🥸

Kindly follow me for more health tweets and tips 😊

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